Industry Staffing Leader NEXTAFF Opens in Sacramento, California

Local entrepreneur brings national recruiting firm’s proprietary methodology to California capital

NEXTAFF, an industry leader in identifying quality talent for businesses, has opened its first staffing agency location in Sacramento, California.

Located at 1555 River Park Dr., Suite 103 in Sacramento, the office is owned and operated by local entrepreneur Adam Dehaybi. The Sacramento NEXTAFF, which opened Feb. 4, offers staffing solutions to businesses in all industries in Sacramento County.

Sacramento presents major opportunities across various industries and sectors for staffing,” Dehaybi said. “Sacramentois the state capital and the fastest-growing major city in California. That makes this area a hub for jobs, and employers are going to need help filling temporary and full-time positions with quality candidates. NEXTAFF’s X-FACTOR™ method is a unique methodology for pairing prospects with employers, and it’s going to be a boon for hiring managers in the Sacramento Valley.”

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Dehaybi earned his Master of Business Administration from Canadian University of Dubai and spent seven years in business management in the corporate business district of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. While this is his first venture into the staffing industry, his experience in management suits him well to run the NEXTAFF temporary staffing agency office in Sacramento.

“Knowing the economy around here, I expect us to grow significantly once we really get going,” Dehaybi said. “Our location presents a lot of opportunities for us to expand our business, and once employers and employees start seeing the X-FACTOR™ methodology in motion, we know that’s going to continue to propel our business forward.”

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NEXTAFF offers a proprietary recruiting method called X-FACTOR™, which combines hiring methodologies that are statistically proven to outperform what typical staffing agency competitors and HR departments traditionally do.

“Adam’s experience in business positions him well to serve Sacramento-area employers and job seekers,” said Cary Daniel, co-founder and director at NEXTAFF. “He has a diverse background in international business and real estate, and he’s passionate about NEXTAFF. Add all these together, and you’ve got the formula for a successful entrepreneur.”

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