Therap’s E-Tools For Assessing Skills, Skill Development, Acceptable Work Conditions and Support For Community Employment
Therap’s E-Tools workflow for Community Employment was and continues to be developed in concert with Therap users and Therap staff employment experts. As part of Therap’s Community Employment System. The E-Tools for preparing an individual for community employment include:
HR Technology: TecHRseries Interview With Brandon DeCaro, Sales Director, Aon
- Funding Source identifies the programs that will fund the individual job preparation and search.
- Referral Source identifies the source of the individual’s referral to the community employment program and provides option to document initial meeting(s).
- Assessment
- Identifies the type of assessment from a dropdown
- The assessment score
- The assessment date
- A summary of the assessment.
- Career Development Plan
- Effective Date
- Summary (Freeform)
- Next Meeting Date
- Comments
- Training/Coaching
- Skill Developed (Dropdown that correlates to Therap’s Community Employment Job Bank)
- Start Date
- End Date
- Total Hour Contact
- Linked ISP Report (Links to Therap’s Service Plan Tracking Documentation)
- Description
- Attachments (PDFs. etc.)
The E-Tools for assessing skills, skill development, acceptable work conditions and supports for individuals seeking community employment is being developed as a bridge between Therap’s Job Bank and Therap’s Employment History. Identifying and supporting the development of an individual’s job skills is a critical element of successful community employment. These E-Tools are continually being developed and refined to work with Therap’s job bank and facilitate working with individuals to achieve community employment. There is no guarantee of a community job, but the Therap’s Community Employment E-Tools focus on the process of identifying opportunities for community job placement.