Prodoscore Survey: 90% of U.S. Workers Are Open to Their Employer Having Visibility Into Their Daily Productivity

‘Visibility software’ was #1 answer when asked what would be most beneficial to employees’ productivity

Prodoscore, a leader in employee visibility and productivity software, announced the results of a new survey detailing the attitudes of U.S. employees across the spectrum of company sizes and industries toward visibility, productivity and other work-related topics. At a high level, the findings showed that an overwhelming majority of employees – 90% – are open to their employer having visibility into their daily productivity. And, when asked what would be most beneficial to their productivity, the #1 answer was “visibility software.”

HR Technology News: TecHRseries Interview with Iain Moffat, Chief Global Officer at People First

“visibility software that helps identify ways to be more efficient”

The company commissioned the research to put real numbers to trends they had been noticing for a few years as work from home (WFH) arrangements slowly gained traction and that were recently amplified in the wake of COVID-19. With the vast majority of respondents – 77% – currently working from home at least part of the time (vs. 61% prior to COVID-19), visibility into employee productivity has become a more important issue to employers and employees alike.

Visibility is not only possible, it is desired by employees

On the topic of visibility into their daily work, only 10% of respondents chose the “I don’t like it” option. Respondents who “liked” visibility opted for one of three choices for doing so: makes them aware of how productive they are (32%); helps them manage their time (19%); and makes them more efficient (16%). Another 23% indicated that they “didn’t care.”

One of the drivers of the openness to employers using visibility tools relates to recognition. Almost half (47%) said they have been frustrated by their efforts not being recognized. And, when asked how they would feel about a tool that allows their daily contributions to be recognized versus only the end result, 80% responded positively for either the recognition-identifying tool alone or a combination of a tool and the end result.

HR Technology News: TecHRseries Interview with Iain Moffat, Chief Global Officer at People First

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