Return to Work Safely With the New Work | Space App, by Equal Experts

Equal Experts, a global network of experienced technology consultants, is today making available Work | Space, a free mobile app designed to help enterprises thrive in our new, post-lockdown reality.

Work | Spacehelps businesses implement social distancing measures by nudging employees via their iPhone or Apple Watch when they come into close contact with each other for longer than government guidelines. The app encourages behavioural change and helps employees adapt to new workplace requirements.

The app uses similar smartphone technology to that being used by the UK Government for its ‘Contact Tracing’ apps, but addresses the privacy concerns, something essential to gaining widespread adoption.

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“We’ve seen smartphone and Bluetooth technology being used to provide new 21st Century ways to combat COVID-19,” said Paul Stringer, Mobile Practice Lead at Equal Experts. “Physical distancing will remain the most effective measure we have against a second wave and is a key part of advice on safely returning to places of work. However, physical markers, one-way systems, and PPE are simply impractical in most office environments and other proposed solutions such as smart cameras using facial recognition technology provide an unacceptable invasion of privacy. The Work | Space app provides enterprises with a practical, simple and privacy-first way to encourage employees to adapt to physical distancing measures, protecting themselves and others,” he added.

“When we thought about how best we could contribute to business return to a new normal, it was logical to leverage our technical and mobile expertise,” said Joe Lubczynskyj, Client Principal at Equal Experts. “To make it easier for all businesses to participate we’ve decided to give it away for free,” he added.

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