Utilizes Social Media Channels to Increase Communication with Stakeholders Group, Inc., a leading platform connecting recruiters and employers, makes frequent use of social media and online content in order to broaden the distribution of its communications among stakeholders, partners, employees and the media.

Investors and others should note that we announce all material financial information using our investor relations website at, SEC filings, and press releases. We will also plan public conference calls and webcasts in the future.

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We use these channels as well as social media to communicate with our stakeholders and the public about, our services and other matters. It is possible that the information we post on social media could be deemed to be material information by some investors.

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Therefore, we encourage investors, the media, and others that are interested in our company to review the information we post through our social media channels. These accounts on major social media platforms are listed below, along with their respective followers or membership base.

  • LinkedIn Recruiter Network Group w/ 833,000 members
  • LinkedIn Company Page w/ 72,170 followers:
  • Twitter Company Page w/ 47,700 followers:
  • Facebook Company Page w/ 13,800 followers:

The Company may communicate on accounts not listed here as well and/or create new accounts in the future.

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