New Report Reveals Trends Reshaping Internal Communication

ChangeEngine releases findings from their inaugural Sate of Internal Communication Report.

To examine the effectiveness of modern communication tools in fostering productivity, efficiency, and connection, ChangeEngine, the leading solution for People communications, content, and automation, has released findings from their inaugural State of Internal Communication Report.

“Communication is more than exchanging information—it’s about fostering connection and purpose,” said Andrew Higashi, CEO and Co-founder of ChangeEngine. “Our findings show that small shifts in communication methods can significantly impact how employees engage with their organizations.”

The report, based on a survey of 836 respondents, uncovers trends that are reshaping internal communication:

Email Still Reigns, But Digital Platforms Gain Ground

Email remains the top internal communication channel, engaging employees 84% of the time. Its appeal lies in familiarity and control, unlike the constant pings of Slack and Teams. However, chat platforms are carving a niche, with 79% of employees engaging regularly, highlighting the evolving landscape of workplace communication.

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Digital Communication Builds Trust, But Preferences Vary

Digital communication fosters trust, with 78% of employees developing relationships through those channels. Comfort with methods varies; 53% of remote workers are comfortable with live video for sensitive topics, while only 47% of in-person employees feel the same.

Small Adjustments, Big Impact on Engagement

Minor changes, like adding an exclamation point, can enhance perceptions of friendliness by 14% among leaders and 12% among employees. This reflects a trend where employees value authenticity in digital interactions, and small tweaks can humanize communication.

Visuals Are Powerful but Underused

While 87% of employees find visuals impactful, only 54% of leaders use them regularly—a missed opportunity for engagement-focused leaders. Visuals like emojis, infographics, and branding not only enhance message retention and workplace connection overall.

AI Adoption Grows, But Hesitation Persists

AI is becoming prominent in internal communication, with 61% of leaders planning to use tools like ChatGPT to streamline messaging. However, employees are hesitant, with only 33% considering AI for workplace communication, highlighting the need for more integrated AI tools.

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