Survey Shows 39% of Small Businesses Will Fire Employees Who Refuse to Work Onsite Post-Pandemic, a leading independent review website for small business online tools, products, and services, has published a recent survey report on how American companies plan to operate in a post-pandemic workplace. The study generated responses from 1500 small business owners and focused on remote work experience during the COVID-19 pandemic and plans for resuming in-person work.

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Research findings indicate that 4 out of 10 employers will fire workers who won’t return to the workplace full-time. Nearly 50% of the survey respondents said most job functions require in-person attendance, and 45% expressed concerns about a decline in employee productivity while working remotely. Business owners also cited other disadvantages to working from home, such as low employee morale, increased lateness due to oversleeping and distractions, and increased miscommunication among staff.

In contrast, only 10% of employers will make remote work mandatory, and 17% said employees will follow a hybrid schedule of onsite and remote work. Survey results also show that most business owners are willing to consider feedback from employees about work schedules. Sixty-nine percent of employers state that they have asked or plan to ask workers for their input on post-pandemic work structure.

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“One critical takeaway from this study is that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to post-pandemic workplace strategies,” says small business expert Dennis Consorte. “Although a large percentage of business owners want mandatory in-person attendance, it is obvious that getting direct feedback from workers and mitigating fears about the virus are also top-of-mind.”

According to the report, 42% of businesses will require staff to get vaccinated before returning to work onsite. Employers are also in favor of other safety protocols, such as mask mandates and social distancing. Fifty-five percent of small businesses will require workers to wear a mask, while 52% will prohibit or limit close interactions between employees.

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