16 Team Building Activities to Improve Employee Engagement

Gallup has said unequivocally that “engaged people deliver greater business outcomes than other employees—across the industry, firm size, and country, and in good and bad economic circumstances”—based on its 50 years of research into employee engagement. According to a comprehensive research analysis, engaged employees “are more productive, profitable, safe, healthier, and less likely to leave their firm.” According to Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report from 2017, engaged individuals may increase a company’s output by up to 200% over similar businesses with disengaged employees. Figures like these make it difficult to deny that employee engagement is vital to an organization’s success!

Employee engagement, however, does not happen by itself. It must be nourished and constantly enhanced. HR employee engagement activities such as team building exercises and games may keep your staff engaged and contribute to the success of your firm.

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What is Team Building?

Team building is the process of forming a group that works well together to achieve a common goal. The essence and major objective of team building are to generate links and connections in order to create a strong team. Building these relationships through team building is extremely advantageous to businesses and organizations. Increased communication, improved planning skills, staff engagement, and employee participation are all advantages of team building.

Fun activities that allow individuals to view one another in a new way encourage them to connect in a new situation. Your team members are invited to consider the ramifications of these actions in their jobs.

Getting outcomes is one of the most compelling motivations for team creation. Teams develop skills such as communication, planning, problem-solving, and conflict resolution via a series of exciting and motivating team building events. 

Importance of Team Building 

Employee engagement and team building are critical components of every successful company. Employees who are disengaged have no attachment to their job or their company. They believe they are underappreciated and restrict their energy and innovation on the team. A disengaged employee, at worst, may be disruptive to the team and undermine its functionality. It is your role as an HR professional to develop strategies to solve a lack of engagement among individual employees and, in some situations, entire teams or departments.

Team building is vital for your team since it may enhance engagement among ‘checked out’ personnel. Team building exercises instill essential drivers of employee engagement in the culture of your firm. There are team-building activities that address each of the following drivers. Therefore, we will explore further the significance of team development and how it correlates directly to high-performing teams.


Trust is critical to the formation of effective teams. Teams must be able to trust one another in order to function well. So if the need arises, they can rely on one another. Furthermore, when trust is built among teams, they offer each other room and liberty to complete work and make their own judgments.

People feel safe when they have trust. They open up when they feel protected. They inform their team members about their strengths and limitations. They are more proactive with their ideas, taking chances, listening to one another, and eventually reaching an agreement. As a consequence, there is greater cooperation and communication, and team members are less scared to reveal their weaknesses to one another.


Employees communicate when they operate as a team. They discuss the job at hand and the best strategy to attain the intended goal. They organize, divide into smaller groups, discuss, and seek to accomplish the work as quickly as possible. Employees can also learn about their roles and what their colleagues are up to through communication. When employees know what their team members are up to, they may check in on progress and assist one another if someone falls short of their target.


Workloads are split among teams. This means that if one team member has less work, she can assist another team member in completing their work. This enables the project to be completed more quickly, increasing production and improving the total bottom line.

Team building is beneficial since it promotes both individual and organizational productivity. Individuals can learn new talents and improve their existing ones when they work in groups. This enhances team effectiveness and efficiency, allowing more work to be performed in less time over time. As a result, when firms meet their goals and give their all, they may make more profit.


One of the most essential advantages of team building is that it strengthens employee interpersonal interactions. As individuals collaborate, they share their experiences, including successes and disappointments. It pulls them closer together and increases their trust in one another. When team member A assists team member B, team member B will almost certainly return the favor at some point. Workers band together to combat opponents and share attention.


Effective team building encourages people to learn from one another and build on one another’s strengths. As opposed to working alone on a project, cooperation provides for new ideas and viewpoints. It combines personalized experiences with fresh, inventive concepts, making work more enjoyable and efficient.

As a consequence, everyone may contribute something new and learn from one another.


It has been established that making a task a competition motivates people to perform better. Doing team building events in the office may be a terrific way to bring out your workers’ competitive side. Team development activities are enjoyable games in which employees complete challenges while competing with others. The major goal of these games is to instill team spirit in employees by allowing them to collaborate with other teams and learn skills like problem-solving, communication, and teamwork along the way.

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The race to success should be even. Everyone should be given the same amount of priority, resources, and opportunities to achieve their goals.

With workplaces growing more accepting of ethnic and gender diversity, your workers must do their part as well. Forming teams with people of varied nationalities and backgrounds is always a smart idea. Such groups are generally more creative because they are more accepting and understanding of one another’s differences. It teaches them that their preconceived notions about a person are incorrect and that that team member is a lot of fun to work with.


There will always be disagreements when people work together. It is up to team members to resolve conflicts amicably and prevent them from escalating into full-fledged disputes.

But disagreements aren’t always a bad thing. Conflicts can sometimes be transformed into productive and valuable work. Disagreements may arise, especially if people with diverse experiences are grouped together rather than those with similar experiences. The key to resolving such conflicts is for people to be open to hearing and accepting different points of view. Team members who can exchange their diverse opinions, skills, and experiences can accomplish more than a group formed on the basis of similar experiences.


Team building is essential. Employees can learn from one another and build new talents. Working as part of a team allows professionals to take on leadership positions while also seeing their team members complete their obligations. Before making any choices, they must reach an agreement in order to execute and achieve their aim. Employees must hold discussions, communicate, and actively listen to one another. Collaboration improves problem-solving, brainstorming, and decision-making abilities. It also teaches team members to accept responsibility for their decisions and actions.


Working in groups increases creativity and innovation in the workplace. Workers talk and cooperate more often. This boosts their productivity and efficiency, helps to overcome disagreements and misunderstandings, and makes individuals more tolerant of one another. More people are being recognized, which inspires them and others to do better the following time. This benefits the company’s overall bottom line while also fostering a healthy and stimulating working culture.

How Tech can help with Team Building

Collaboration may be challenging if you work with a large team, which may include individuals who have varying schedules or who are spread out among several offices. It takes work and forethought to keep these teams aligned and on track.
Companies know that they need the necessary tools to stay connected now more than ever. In an Adobe poll of management professionals, 57 percent classified messaging and collaboration applications as “mission crucial,” the highest percentage of any sort of business software.

Below are four collaboration tools that can help you with team building at your workplace:

1. Video Conferencing

If your teams are not in the same region or find it difficult to commit to face-to-face meetings, video conferencing may be a low-cost alternative. Video conferencing may increase team collaboration by ensuring that messages are disseminated, allowing for innovative debates, and reducing barriers such as written communication or the need to commute to meetings.

2. Project Management Software

Project management software may provide an excellent overall platform for teams to track project progress. Rather than causing uncertainty about where information is stored, who has completed what, and what remains to be completed, a project management tool will provide the team with a comprehensive overview to assist coordinate all project work. Trello and Monday are two examples of tools that might assist alleviate project strain and promote teamwork.

3. The Cloud

Operating your organization in the cloud may be an excellent method to promote flexibility and agility. If you have team members working from different locations or on the road, the cloud might increase employee access to team data and project management software updates. By providing your team with continual and up-to-date access to information, you may reduce project delays and frustrations for team members who are not based in the office. Cloud-based technologies such as Microsoft Teams and SharePoint are now standard.

4. File Sharing Software

Technology can assist to reduce the friction associated with team members sharing files and information. File sharing software can let employees transmit enormous files and guarantee that all team members have up-to-date versions. File sharing may enhance individuals’ online workplaces by emptying their email inboxes of multiple papers, in addition to increasing the collaboration process. Using file sharing tools such as WeTransfer is a terrific method to make collaborating easier.

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16 Team Building Activities to Improve Employee Engagement

These are 16 employee engagement initiatives that HR may manage. These events will increase employee engagement, and team cohesiveness, and leave your team members feeling proud to be a part of your organization. The majority of these activities are appropriate for small to medium-sized organizations. Certain activities, such as outdoor activities, operate well with huge organizations. Almost every activity or game may be modified for remote or hybrid work environments.

1. Organize an Awards Ceremony

One of the most important drivers of employee engagement is recognition. An awards ceremony shows your team members how much you appreciate their efforts. Give out prizes for “Best Team Player” and “Outstanding Performance.”

Recognizing your employees’ abilities has an influence on more than simply the award winner. A recognized culture fosters employee loyalty and morale. If you have a remote or hybrid team, you may easily host this activity online. Here are 22 more employee appreciation ideas to show team members how much they are appreciated.

2. Celebrate Milestones

Individual accomplishments or personal milestones are celebrated in addition to recognizing someone as “salesperson of the year.” An anniversary celebration reminds team members that you remember the day and year they started with the firm, which is a strong statement of appreciation. Birthdays, promotions, retirements, and corporate milestones such as gaining a large customer are other reasons to rejoice. Remote teams can also come together to commemorate special milestones. One of the finest HR team development exercises for remote employees is virtual corporate celebrations.

3. Escape Rooms

Escape room team building is an exciting activity that may improve team togetherness and employee engagement. These hour-long immersive games require teams to work together to read clues, solve riddles, and “leave the chamber” before it’s too late! Escape rooms allow your team to practice problem-solving, creative thinking, cooperation, and communication skills in a fun and low-stakes setting. Furthermore, collaborative games and activities create possibilities for professional progress, which is a fundamental driver of employee engagement. Escape room games allow everyone to take on the role of leader and keep the group focused on the ultimate objective of winning!

Since teams must collaborate despite physical distance, virtual escape rooms are exactly as successful as in-person escape rooms if your team is remote or hybrid. Escape rooms, whether in person or online, are among the most effective leadership exercises.

4. Promote Coffee Breaks

In America, coffee breaks are frequently taken alone at one’s workplace. Fika is the Swedish equivalent of a coffee break. Fika is more than just a brief greeting at the office coffee machine. It is about taking time away from work to mingle with coworkers. It’s a chance to unwind and catch up with employees on non-work-related topics. Fika promotes morale, resulting in happier employees. Encouraging breaks throughout the day, rather than frowning on them, demonstrates that your organization appreciates the well-being of its employees.

Coffee breaks are more important when your team is spread out! Virtual coffee breaks may be the only time a distant worker interacts socially with coworkers or even anybody! Virtual coffee breaks and water cooler meetings help remote employees feel connected and lessen the isolation that often comes with working from home. Schedule virtual coffee breaks and water-cooler conversations on your company’s shared calendar!

5. Recruit Onboarding Buddies

The process through which a corporation incorporates a new employee into the organization is known as onboarding. Onboarding includes assisting new workers in understanding their functions and initiating on-the-job training. While HR and management are in charge of much of the onboarding process, onboarding “buddies” play an essential role as well. Onboarding buddies are existing workers who serve as a general resource for new employees. Onboarding friends assist new workers in navigating the business structure and adjusting to the workplace culture. They provide introductions and answer queries that are not covered in the corporate manual.

Obviously, having an onboarding buddy may help new workers. Yet, there are benefits for experienced staff as well! Being an onboarding buddy allows you to hone your leadership abilities. Onboarding buddies make new contacts for themselves while making introduction rounds with new hires. Employee engagement is influenced by both opportunities for advancement and the development of work connections.

With so many businesses functioning remotely, the onboarding process has gone online, so even a new distant recruit may have a virtual onboarding buddy!

6. Head Outdoors

By going outdoors for some fresh air and natural light, you can demonstrate to your team that you care about their welfare, which is a crucial factor in employee engagement. According to research, spending time in nature provides both mental and physical health advantages. Going outside allows your staff to connect with nature and with one another. Individuals are more relaxed and open to engaging with people when they are not at their workstations. Nature’s lack of structure removes barriers that keep people apart and prevent genuine relationships from forming. Plan a hike if time is not a problem. Choose a level that is appropriate for the demographics of your organization.

If a hike isn’t feasible for your party due to timing or geography, go for a walk instead. According to research, even 20 minutes in nature may deliver a significant energy boost!

7. Trivia Games

People enjoy playing trivia games because it makes them feel good. Not only are they entertaining, but they also encourage our bodies to release more dopamine, the “happy hormone.” When they work together to find the correct solution, team members can enhance abilities such as teamwork and decision-making. Linkee is a quiz game in which players must determine what connects the three clues on each game card. The Beatles, for example, would be the connection if the responses were John, Paul, George, and Ringo.

8. Host A Happy Hour

The more time teams spend in an informal atmosphere chatting about non-work-related things, the more likely they are to bond. Team members will begin to feel more at ease journey and confident in sharing ideas and taking initiative in the office. Professional connections and a sense of belonging are important drivers of employee engagement, so go out for a beer with the team! Remote teams can also enjoy virtual happy hours!

9. ​Ice Breakers

Icebreakers are questions designed to help people get to know each other better. Ice breakers are a terrific way to kick off a meeting since they just take a few minutes to complete and get your creative juices flowing! “Where did you grow up?” is an example of a fundamental question. or “Are you a dog or a cat person?” Creative questions, such as “Would you visit Mars even if the round took a year?” or even absurd ones, such as “What band are you embarrassed to confess you like?” Icebreakers, regardless of the question, are a terrific way for team members to discover more about each other in a fun way!

10. Shark Tank-Style Competition

Based on the popular reality TV program, this game challenges teams to create an innovative service or product that they must convince judges is superior to the offerings of the other teams. Let teams have one hour to design their product, create a business strategy, develop a marketing plan, and provide financial information such as expected profit margins.

When an hour has passed, teams present their work to a panel of judges comprised of other employees, team leaders, and even management. The winning team receives a gift, such as a free lunch. The victorious team may lunch together and chat about how much fun they had. A Shark Tank-style competition stimulates teamwork and communication, as well as unconventional thinking and the development of leadership abilities!

11. Ropes Course

A ropes course is an activity for groups that involves overcoming physical challenges together. Trying to squeeze the entire team onto a narrow raised platform that looks to only have space for three or four people is one example of a ropes course difficulty. Another activity is to balance all of the team members on a seesaw. Such challenges need innovative thinking, effective communication, and teamwork. Ropes courses are extremely good at fostering strong relationships and trust among team members. Ropes courses are frequently found at outdoor recreation centers, so look for one near you!

12. Volunteer As A Team

Volunteering in a group reaps huge benefits. When employees band together to assist others in need, they are inadvertently assisting themselves. Volunteering in a group is an effective technique to strengthen ties among team members. Organizing volunteer opportunities for your teams allows employees to take pleasure in being a part of a socially responsible organization. Volunteering relieves stress and boosts good emotions. Individuals who volunteer are happier with their work-life balance than those who do not. By partnering with nonprofits that provide virtual service initiatives, remote teams may serve together. Find a project that is a good fit for your team by using VolunteerMatch. – 

13. Organize a Lunch and Learn

Monthly “Lunch and Learns” are a great way to demonstrate to staff how much you appreciate their skills. It’s similar to a skill-sharing session, but with lunch provided by the firm! Lunch and Learns allow employees to share their knowledge and experience with coworkers over a meal. Lunch and Learn events promote a culture of learning and skill-sharing, which can lead to improved teamwork. They also make an excellent one-hour team-building activity. Everyone has interests outside of work, and chances are that one or two other team members would love to acquire that talent from someone they know for free!

14. Compliment Teams 

Employee engagement is also aided through peer-to-peer recognition. Being acknowledged by one’s team gives employees a sense of value, resulting in a more meaningful work experience. To play this game, spend five minutes at the beginning or conclusion of a team meeting complimenting one another.

15. Do A Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts are a great way to spend time outside with your group. In this game, players divide into teams and race to find things on a list. It’s not as easy as it appears. Scavenger hunt lists may include some difficult-to-find items. Nobody can discover all of these things on their own. To win, team members must interact and communicate.

There’s no law that says scavenger hunts have to take place outside! These are also fantastic indoor HR team building exercises! Since they carry players all around the world, virtual scavenger hunts can be more interesting than playing in person together!

16. Just For Laughs

Laughing with your coworkers may be a very effective team building exercise. Playing traditional games like Charades or Pictionary allows everyone to let free and laugh till their stomach hurts. Of course, certain team building abilities are required (non-verbal communication, collaboration, and creative thinking). The finest team building component of these activities is that your team will have a blast, and there is huge value in spending time together and having fun!

Wrapping Up

Employee engagement is critical to the success of any firm, as HR experts understand. While disengaged employees may be a drag on others, engaged employees can help your financial line. Increased employee engagement is a worthwhile objective for your firm. When you make enjoyable team building activities a part of your corporate culture, it’s an attainable objective!

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