A.Team Launches “Team Formation AI” to Hire Specialized Tech Talent in Minutes — Not Months

Corporate leaders can instantly assemble teams of elite tech talent from A.Team’s growing network of over 11,000 independent product builders

Today, A.Team unveiled the first-ever Team Formation AI — a generative AI platform that enables tech leaders to build curated teams of Silicon Valley tech talent from the A.Team network.

Team Formation AI is designed to solve two crucial problems for industry leaders: supercharging their teams with vetted, specialized talent to advance their most urgent innovation initiatives, and accelerating a hiring process that takes months and is burning out hiring managers. With Team Formation AI, industry leaders can source top talent in minutes and hire within days.

Here’s how it works: You tell Team Formation AI who you are and what you’re building — e.g., “I’m building a B2C mobile banking app” — and it will instantly scope each of the roles you need for your team and recommend engineers, product managers, data scientists, and designers from the A.Team network with the optimal skills, experience, and ability to work well with your team.

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The Team Formation AI’s curated recommendations are powered by A.Team’s proprietary TeamGraph algorithm, which uses behavioral science and machine learning to assemble ultra-productive teams that hit the ground running and ship products fast. Unlike HR tech platforms that claim to evaluate skills using AI, Team Formation AI goes much deeper than just a resume scan. It’s informed by several rounds of technical and interpersonal interviews, performance across over 10,000 projects, and the skills and social graph of the talent in the A.Team network, which only accepts the top 2% of applicants.

Hiring managers can even talk to an AI “talent agent” representing each product builder in the A.Team network to ask detailed first-round interview questions about each candidate’s skills, experience, and work preferences. Once a hiring manager has selected a short-list of builders for their team, they can request real-life interviews with them.

Team Formation AI improves the hiring experience on both sides. Hiring managers get access to best-in-class talent that they can onboard in days, not months. And independent tech workers get an AI that won’t take their jobs; instead, it’ll get work for them.

Team Formation AI comes at a crucial time for industry leaders. Generative AI has kickstarted a digital transformation arms race across industries and disciplines, with industry leaders scrambling to attract specialized product and engineering talent. Simultaneously, generative AI is straining an already broken hiring system, with a deluge of generative AI applications grinding the gears of traditional hiring to a halt. Over two-thirds of tech founders and execs think the traditional hiring model is broken; on average, they spend more than four months hiring top product and engineering talent for their teams.

Team Formation AI accelerates that process from months to minutes, assembling a dream team of tech talent that hiring managers can scale up and down based on their roadmap. And unlike open hiring platforms, where you have no idea if the candidates you’re meeting are legitimate or if they faked their application with generative AI, every member of the A.Team network has undergone rigorous vetting before being surfaced to you.

Darren Murph, named the “oracle of remote work” by CNBC and to Forbes’ Future of Work 50 list, leads technology strategy at Ford Motor Company. He’s been an early user of Team Formation AI and believes it will transform hiring and the future of work for the better.

“Team Formation AI liberates leaders to focus their energy on articulating the scope of a business challenge rather than guessing at how to solve it — and it instantly gives you the best talent to tackle it,” said Murph.

Team Formation AI builds on a future of work movement that’s propelled A.Team’s growth over the past few years. When A.Team launched out of stealth in 2022 with $60M in funding from industry and cultural leaders like Insight Partners, Adam Grant, and Jay-Z’s Roc Nation, highly-skilled tech workers were rapidly ditching full-time work models in favor of the freedom and autonomy of independent work.

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[To share your insights with us, please write to psen@itechseries.com ]