Brandon Hall Group Studying How Organizations are Adapting to Hybrid Work

The question is no longer, “What will the new normal look like?” It’s, “What is your strategy for adapting and evolving”

Brandon Hall Group, the leading independent HCM research and analyst firm, is launching a survey to understand how organizations are adapting to the hybrid world of work in the age of COVID-19.

“By now we’ve come to understand the idea of a ‘new normal’ after COVID was naive, or at least premature,” Brandon Hall Group Senior Vice President and Principal Analyst Claude J. Werder said. “The hybrid environment we now work in requires — at least for the near term — a series of ongoing adjustments and mindset changes.”


Brandon Hall Group’s research is focusing on how people, processes and technology can help organizations adapt and evolve in the world of hybrid work. Technology providers will get a clear picture of how employers are prioritizing technology. This enables technology providers to tailor their messaging to needs that will attract buyers’ attention.

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“Employers that are highly adaptive and agile will have more success in adjusting to the hybrid world of work,” Brandon Hall Group CEO Mike Cooke said. “Employees will have a strong sense of belonging and well-being, feel more valued and more prepared to adapt and perform in a state of continuous change. Employers will have strategies to manage change and a well-defined strategy, be more employee-centric and inclusive, and will better address workforce-planning issues.”

Brandon Hall Group will ask respondents to identify their plans and priorities for adapting to hybrid work. The firm will create tools and reports to help organizations improve their ability to cope with change and drive organizational agility.

Participants will receive summary results of the survey five to seven weeks after the survey launch and will get immediate download access to Brandon Hall Group’s Strategy Brief, 5 Strategies to Effectively Manage Uncertainty.

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— About Brandon Hall Group Inc.

Brandon Hall Group is the only professional development company that offers data, research, insights and certification to Learning and Talent executives and organizations. The best minds in Human Capital Management (HCM) choose Brandon Hall Group to help them create future-proof employee development plans for the new era.

For over 27 years, we have empowered, recognized and certified excellence in organizations around the world influencing the development of over 10,000,000 employees and executives. Our HCM Excellence Awards was the first to recognize organizations for learning and talent and is the gold standard, known as the “Academy Awards of Human Capital Management.”

Our cloud-based platform delivers evidence-based insights in the areas of Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Diversity and Inclusion, Talent Acquisition and HR/Workforce Management for corporate organizations and HCM solution providers.

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