Connext Global Solutions Turns Challenge of Workplace Staffing Shortages Into Opportunity

Connext Global Solutions (Connext) is helping mid-sized businesses tackle the workplace shortage head on with their innovative remote staffing solutions. Connext’s mission is to provide their clients with the services of talented offshore professionals, work tools, and operating facilities to solve staffing challenges and enable growth.

As the nation starts the process of recovering from the pandemic and senses a return to a more “normal” status, businesses of every size, spanning every industry, across the entire country are instead having to scale back operations because they can’t find enough employees. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 9.3 million vacant job openings in the United States in April 2021. This is a record high number—up more than 600,000 from February. There are now half as many available workers for every open job (1.4 available workers per opening) as there have been on average over the past 20 years — and the ratio continues to fall.

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“Businesses that restructure and redefine their workflow to increase productivity will create an advantage relative to competitors,” remarked Tim Mobley, CEO of Connext. “This is where we step in. Our mission is to help mid-market businesses find the opportunity and pivot their operations by providing staffing and process solutions that meet the demands of the new labor market that COVID has created.”

Connext provides a completely tailored solution that supplements their client’s current staff with highly-qualified offshore team members that the client personally selects. The company chose the Philippines as the location for remote staffing because it makes more sense for supporting US-based businesses due to time overlap and similar cultural demographics. Plus, with a population of over 110 million people there is a wide talent pool to pull from.

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Hiring an overseas workforce to outsource certain business functions can lead to:

  • lower overhead;
  • increased growth; and
  • greater focus and service quality with a fully-staffed employee roster.

Popularity of outsourcing continues to climb. The market opportunity is estimated at over $100 billion between 2020-2024. Deloitte recently polled 40 executives across their clients and discovered that 70% surveyed said that outsourcing was used as a cost-cutting tool and another 40% said outsourcing provided the flexibility to deal with the changes stemming from the pandemic, remote work, and fast-paced digitalisation and automation.

“We always go above and beyond in our commitment to client growth and satisfaction,” said Taylor Goucher, Direct of Client Services for Connext. “What makes us different is that we provide our clients with highly-focused personalized solutions, on-the-ground focused management (a 1:25 manager to staff ratio), exceptional centralized implementation support, and integration of automation tools to supplement remote staffing.”

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