Rally Recruitment Marketing, the largest community of recruitment marketing, employer branding and talent attraction professionals,announced the winners of the 2022 Rally Awards

Now in its third year, this global competition, honoring excellence in recruitment marketing and employer branding practices, bestowed 29 awards on 21 individuals and teams for categories that include Best Employer Brand Launch, Best Recruitment Marketing Campaign and Best Careers Social Media Channel. Most categories named a first and second place winner, reflecting the growing number of employers using social media and digital marketing strategies to attract top talent.

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Distinguished awards were given for Recruitment Marketing Rising Star and Recruitment Marketer of the Year. Recruitment Marketing Rising Star is awarded to a practitioner with between one to three years of experience who has already made an impact by helping to transform talent acquisition strategy at their company into one that’s brand-led and marketing-driven. The Recruitment Marketer of the Year is presented to the practitioner who serves as a role model for raising up the entire profession and who has distinguished themselves through extraordinary leadership, business impact and pioneering work in recruitment marketing and employer branding.

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“Over the past two years, everything about the way we live and work has changed, including what people want from a job and what they expect from their employer,” said Rally Founder & CEO, Lori Sylvia. “More than ever, people care about a company’s culture, reputation and diversity, and are choosing employers that prioritize employee wellness and create a meaningful work experience. The companies that will grow in this new world of work will be those that not only adapt to these changes but can effectively communicate their employee value proposition to attract and recruit top talent. That’s why the practitioners recognized in the 2022 Rally Awards are playing such a vital role in their company’s success. They’re strategic marketers and storytellers, able to understand what differentiates their company from other employers, uncover why people want to work there and choose to stay, and – importantly – they know how to use social media, content marketing and digital strategies to give their companies a recruiting advantage. Congratulations to all of this year’s Rally Award nominees and winners for your pioneering work!

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[To share your insights with us, please write to sghosh@martechseries.com]