Growth at Santa Fe technology startup Falling Colors continued, despite the unique challenges of 2020. Falling Colors passed the milestone headcount of 30 employees this month, and of the 33 staff currently employed by the company, 12 were hired since the beginning of 2020. The company expects to keep hiring in support of an ambitious growth plan that will see a continued preference for skilled workers already living in, or willing to relocate to Falling Colors’ headquarters in New Mexico. In 2020, Falling Colors experienced the largest year on year growth in employee headcount since the company’s founding, and hiring is already on pace to exceed that growth in 2021.
“Falling Colors is grateful to have been able to continue growing and expanding opportunities during what has obviously been a difficult year for everyone,” said Sam Wolf, Falling Colors’ Director of Internal Operations. “We’ve been very impressed with how well our team pulled together to meet new and existing challenges, as well as how successfully some of our new colleagues have been able to become integral parts of the company without ever having met us in person.”
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Falling Colors has focused recruiting efforts on finding diverse local talent and creating jobs in New Mexico. Of the company’s 12 hires since the start of 2020, 10 work in New Mexico, and 85% of all 33 current staff are located here in the state. Many of Falling Colors’ employees are lifelong New Mexicans, and for others, Falling Colors is their first job in New Mexico after living and working in Washington DC, Silicon Valley, New York, Texas, and Vermont.
Falling Colors is a women and LGBTQ+ founded, owned, and operated business, and the company has committed to building a team to include people with different backgrounds and experiences, people with disabilities, and people of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, socioeconomic statuses, and ages.
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According to Pamela Koster, Falling Colors Co-Founder & CEO, “A lot of recent research seems to be pointing to what Falling Colors has always recognized: that a team of diverse people with different backgrounds and life experiences is a tremendous asset to our company, because those differences allow us to bring different approaches and solutions to the client problems we’re working to solve.”
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