Logile, leading store planning, execution and workforce management solution provider, announced that Trig’s, a premier multi-specialty retailer in northern and central Wisconsin, completed its multi-banner implementation of Logile forecasting, staffing, scheduling, time and attendance, and reporting software. Trig’s implemented Logile solutions across its entire Trig’s grocery and gas station chains, its Tula’s Cafes, Signature Salon and Ace Hardware retail locations, and its supporting operations including Trig’s Smokehouse and ice production plants, distribution center and corporate offices. This implementation represents a prioritization of labor planning and optimization in support of Trig’s ongoing commitment to serve customers and manage labor as a strategic resource.
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Logile actively collaborated with Trig’s to implement best-in-class enterprise and scheduling solutions. Mike Carter, vice president of business development at Logile reflected, “The Logile team took an innovative approach to developing standards for Trig’s that eliminated the need for significant consulting, to develop store-specific standards that could put a world-class solution at their fingertips. We are committed to getting benefits flowing efficiently and fast.”
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“Logile really supported us through the standardization process required to implement a chain-wide system,” said Brad Brayshaw, senior director of store operations for Trig’s. “Trig’s now has processes in place across all our business units that really represent our unique way of doing business. We are very pleased with the results and are well-positioned for additional gains going forward.”
Brayshaw further reflected, “Logile guided us in best practices for how we use labor to best serve our customers. Logile goes far beyond being just a software vendor, and that difference really paid off for us. Even in early stages of deployment, we started recognizing results right away.”
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