MentorcliQ and River Win Three Brandon Hall Group Excellence Awards With KeyBank, Nielsen, and Robert Half
The Mentoring Software Leaders Help Their Clients Achieve Success with Diversity and Inclusion, Employee Retention, and Leadership Development
MentorcliQ, the leader in employee mentoring software that just acquired River Software, celebrates three Brandon Hall Group Excellence Awards between the two organizations. In partnership with their clients KeyBank, Nielsen, and Robert Half, these awards highlight the power that mentoring can play throughout the employee lifecycle and in support of diversity and inclusion, leadership development, and employee retention.
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MentorcliQ and River Win 3 Brandon Hall Group Excellence Awards for Mentoring with customers KeyBank, Nielsen, and Robert Half.
KeyBank won a Gold Brandon Hall Group Talent Development Excellence Award for Best Advance in Measuring the Impact of a Talent Strategy. In partnership with MentorcliQ, KeyBank’s MentorMe@Key program is designed to match a diverse group of mentees and mentors from across and within different functions and lines of business for developmental learning, increased connections, and enhanced business acumen. “As a result of the program, we have seen a 76% increase in employee retention among the mentor/mentee population. We also experienced a 55x return on investment for the mentoring program,” says Jessica Wood, Senior Talent Management Consultant at KeyBank.
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Nielsen won a Gold Brandon Hall Group Corporate Initiative Excellence Award for Best Inclusion and Diversity Strategy. The Nielsen Global MyMentor program powered by MentorcliQ makes mentoring available across Nielsen’s entire workforce and in support of their broader diversity and inclusion goals to ensure every associate has access to professional development opportunities. “In the first nine days of the program, we enrolled more than 2,500 employees across each of the 80+ countries in which we operate. Within eight weeks, this expanded to more than 15% of our eligible associates becoming engaged in mentoring. To date, more than 16,800 hours of mentoring has occurred at Nielsen,” says Matthew Hanzlik, Vice President, Global People Strategic Initiatives.
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