Human Services and Employment Capacity Building Named a Mutual of America 2020 Community Partnership Award Winner

Hermitage-Based Program Helps Blind and Visually Impaired Individuals Build a Brighter Future

Mutual of America announced that Human Services and Employment Capacity Building was named an honorable mention award recipient of its 2020 Community Partnership Award competition.

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In 2002, Keystone Independence Management (KIM)—which provides crucial management and back-office services to nonprofits that serve blind and visually impaired individuals—collaborated with Keystone Vocational Services and other partners to secure employment opportunities exclusively for individuals with vision loss or other disabilities through its Human Services and Employment Capacity Building program. This unique program seeks out federal and state contracts and other work that can be performed by individuals with disabilities. Employees earn market wages and benefits in a competitive, fully integrated environment. The program also provides access to services to help KIM employees build a more independent and opportunity-filled future.

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“Our group of agencies has learned how to effectively collaborate with each other and with community partners, leveraging our respective strengths to serve the greater good,” said Laurie Staph, President and CEO of Keystone Blind Association. “We are proud of how our entrepreneurial approach has enabled us to further social change in a financially sustainable way.”

“Keystone Independence Management is honored that Mutual of America sees the benefit that our Human Services and Employment Capacity Building program provides to individuals who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise disabled across the state of Pennsylvania,” added Staph. “We are so proud to serve our community and thank our many partners for their help and support in the achievement of our mission.”

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