FutureGenRobotics’ Workforce Tracking System Provides Health Departments With Innovative Option for Monitoring, Enforcement and Data Collection During COVID-19 Pandemic

FGR Workforce Tracking System is First to Market Contact-Tracing Software

As the coronavirus continues its spread across the United States, health departments are fast realizing where their current systems fall short. One of the areas that are presenting a significant challenge is the tracking of cases of individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19, those in quarantine and their contacts. That is where FutureGenRobotics LLC and its innovative new FGR Workforce Tracking System software comes into play. The program is the first to market contact-tracing software of its kind, beating out major players like Apple and Google that are only in discussion stages on such products.

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Florida-based FutureGenRobotics is a trailblazer in the development, sale, and distribution of mobile robotics and embedded systems utilizing its team’s expertise in IoT, asset tracking, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Its FGR Workforce Tracking System promises to provide a comprehensive contact-tracing tool to help determine the spread of infectious diseases like coronavirus and provide access to invaluable data to keep the public safe.

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Here’s how it works:

  • Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 and those who are in self- or required-quarantine, along with their contacts, download a free app and register. The app can also be used to monitor people in a specific geography, depending on needs.
  • The user’s location is transmitted to the server every minute along with their self-assessed emotional state of: Happy, Meh, Sad or Sick.
  • The health department is then able to track cases from the moment users have registered and take appropriate actions to help if people are feeling mentally or physically unwell or not following mandatory isolation rules.

“Our software has broad application potential but is especially relevant now for COVID-19 contact-tracing, isolation zone enforcement and health monitoring. Too many health departments are relying on manual processes like home visits and phone contact and that is not realistic with the scope of rapid-spreading infectious diseases like this,” said Mike Letsky, co-founder, FutureGenRobotics. “Our system handles millions of records and each customer receives their own private database and secure admin login. That data allows for improved management of a health emergency via real-time data and monitoring without sacrificing individuals’ rights to privacy.”

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