As a former Fortune 500 executive, Janet McKee is acutely familiar with the way most people strive for success–by working their butts off. But as someone who experienced massive burnout and hit rock bottom in her professional and personal lives, McKee is now much wiser when it comes to achievement, fulfillment, and prosperity; she knows that most of us are going about success all wrong, making it much harder than it should be. In fact, she has found, reducing stress is a requirement for success, not just a nice thing to experience. That is why she entitled her new book Stressless Success: The Surprising Secrets to a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Prosperity. It contains all the insights she gained in her journey back from the ashes.
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McKee wrote the book for everyone who has tried thinking positively and following goal-setting advice that did not work for them. She writes: “The problem is that if you are miserable while you strive and struggle to achieve these things that you want, you block them from actually happening. You get stressed out by working so hard that you not only impact your emotional well-being but you wreck your physical health and often your relationships.”
In an interview, McKee can share:
- How to combat today’s pervasive negativity and fear.
- Why positive thinking and mindset are not the answer and can be harmful.
- How to quickly discover the gifts in any challenge and turn them into gold
- How to access your unbelievable power to achieve a life of passion, purpose, and prosperity
- How to uncover the only goal you will ever need to achieve all that you want
- Why there is no such thing as true mistakes.
- Why you should not fight against or try to change limiting beliefs
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“This warm, wonderful book shows you how to unlock your potential, set and achieve your goals, and accomplish more than ever before.”— Brian Tracy, speaker, Consultant, New York Times best-selling author, The Psychology of Achievement, Eat that Frog and more
“When you reduce stress, it actually increases success. This is the truth, which is the opposite of what we often think. This book can change your life.”— Jack Canfield, New York Times best-selling co-author, The Success Principles™, Chicken Soup for the Soul Series
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