Everbridge Unveils COVID-19 ‘Return to Work’ Software Solution to Help Businesses and Governments Improve Safety for Employees and Citizens as They Integrate Back to Public Spaces
Everbridge Enables Organizations and Governments to Manage the Complexity of a Staggered Global Recovery from COVID-19 While Protecting Employee and Citizen Privacy
Everbridge, the global leader in critical event management (CEM), unveiled its COVID-19 Return to Work software solution to help businesses and governments navigate the unprecedented complexity of operating during the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic – preparing to bring back the workforce and reopen society.
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“As we return to work, it is clear that business is at the forefront of managing the pandemic”
As the industry leader in critical event management solutions, Everbridge serves over 5,000 enterprise customers, 1,500 healthcare entities, 3,700 first responder agencies, and the populations of entire states and countries around the world. As organizations pivot to get back to normal activity, Everbridge’s new Return to Work solution enables businesses to manage the complexity of diverse city, state, and country guidelines and mandates that will evolve dynamically over time, as well as ensures compliance with a full audit trail. Everbridge helps businesses manage all of this complexity through real-time risk intelligence, based on 22,000 data sources across 175 countries, that tracks everything from virus hotspots and travel restrictions, to quarantines and states of emergency, to production stoppages and resumptions, to protests and civil unrest.
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The new Everbridge Return to Work solution speeds up contact tracing efforts by providing an automated approach to tracking an individual’s exposure to the virus at work, drawing upon 225 pre-existing, out-of-the-box integrations with such systems as calendaring applications, corporate travel itineraries, building access control, and visitor management. Everbridge enables over 100 communication modalities, including its mobile app, to communicate with and provide real-time feedback from employees, such as wellness checks, which can be used to determine who are candidates to return to work. Overall, Everbridge digitizes and automates the end-to-end return-to-work process while dramatically improving the response time to prevent unnecessary exposure to the virus when days and even hours matter.
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