Annual Employee Financial Wellness Survey: Latest Results

The National Financial Educators Council has released the results of an annual employee financial wellness survey. This survey is designed to provide data that help quantify the connection between a person’s financial situation and his or her employment.

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Results show that personal finances have an impact on people at work. Of the over 2,000 respondents to the survey: 55.2% would be more content with their salary if their finances were in better shape, 53.5% would be more productive at work, 44.9% would have a more favorable opinion of their employer if they offered financial wellness programming and almost 1/3rd (31.4%) said they would attend a financial education program if their employer offered.

Brief overview of the NFEC employee wellness survey questions:

Would you have a more favorable opinion of an employer that provided personal finance education training? 44.9% responded ‘Yes’ and 55.1% responded ‘No’

Would you be more productive at work if your personal financial situation were more secure? 53.5% responded ‘Yes’ and 46.5% responded ‘No’

If your employer offered personal finance education training at your workplace, how interested would you be in attending? 31.4% responded ‘Very Interested’ or ‘Somewhat Interested’, 50.01% responded ‘Not Interested or ‘Not Interested at All’ and 18.5% responded ‘Neutral’

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Would you be more content with your salary if other areas of your personal financial situation improved?  55.2% responded ‘Yes’ and 44.8% responded ‘No’

According to Vince Shorb, CEO of the NFEC, “These results echo what we hear from employees across the country. Employees are concerned about their finances and appreciate employers that provide access to high-quality financial wellness programming.”

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