Multimedia Plus Operational Impact Research Survey Says Remote Positions Losing Luster

Multimedia Plus, a training and communications technology company, released its fifth survey measuring the effects on pressing technology, training, and spending priorities in the retail and hospitality industries. The survey, launched on March 28, 2022 and closed on April 4, 2022, examined the challenges and opportunities facing post-COVID-19 business practices and customer expectations. In total, 138 senior executives participated in the survey.


One of the most significant findings of the survey was related to the hiring of remote positions.  When asked, “Have you continued or are you currently hiring remote positions that previously would have been in-person roles?” “No” was the response from 75% of the respondents.

“While the workforce embraced working from home and remote positions, the survey demonstrates, that at least for the retail and hospitality industries, excellent customer service is related to human interaction.  Senior executives are focused on bringing people back,” says David Harouche, CEO & CTO, Multimedia Plus.

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Going into the summer season, the top three issues that executives are concerned about are supply chain (42%), staffing and wage issues (35%), and global events (15%).  Harouche explains, “The supply chain issues that have been a concern for the past six or more months are expected continue and are a focus for executives. We will be tracking the issue in coming surveys.”


In previous surveys, respondents understood the importance of training and development. When asked “What is your highest priority training initiative today?” 30% said operations training and 30% said leadership development. Training for product knowledge was a high priority for 15% of respondents.

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Technology investments remain a central strategy for companies. More than 50% of respondents said that their technology investments would remain the same when asked, “How has the current economic environment impacted your technology spend for 2022?”

Executives in the retail and hospitality industries are moving away from COVID-19 procedures.  When asked “Which of the following changes implemented during COVID that you have already or are planning to STOP?” Mandatory masks for guest (78%), mandatory masks for employees (63%), and temperature checks (61%).

“The survey gives a sense that guests and management are focused on getting back to business. While it was not surprising that masking is not being required, it was surprising to see that going back to work in person is a major focus for companies,” says Harouche.

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