Breaking Down Internal Barriers in Companies Crucial Amid Increasing Digitization, Accenture Study Finds
Majority of executives surveyed admit their business functions fail to collaborate on digital projects, dragging financial results down
Many companies do not realize the full value of investing in digital projects due to a lack of collaboration among their critical business functions, according to a new study by Accenture. The study found that 75 percent of executives said their departments compete rather than collaborate on digitization, which raises cost and eats up expected revenues gains.
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NEWS: Business functions fail to collaborate on #DigitalTransformation, which is more crucial than ever in the #Covid19 crisis, study shows
The study, titled “Together Makes Better,” is based on publicly reported financial information as well as a survey of 1,550 senior executives across R&D, Engineering, Production and Supply Chain business functions from mostly manufacturing and industrial companies in February 2020. While fielded before the extent of the COVID-19 pandemic was evident, the research points to trends and issues that the crisis and economic downturn will only exacerbate and provides insights on how to tackle them now, next and in the never normal.
“As companies have grown, they have developed silos – centralized functions and divisions that often focus primarily on their internal needs and inhibit collaboration as a result,” said Nigel Stacey, managing director and global lead for Accenture Industry X.0. “Now that the crisis is speeding up digital transformation, this old ‘walled garden’ problem is rearing its head again. It isn’t just preventing companies from digitizing their businesses as a whole but putting them at risk of slower recovery and stunted growth.”
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The cost of cross-function competition
For example, many companies have made redundant investments in certain technologies. This lack of collaboration and alignment across functions has already cost companies. For example:
- Between 2017 and 2019, their investments in digital projects increased costs by almost 6 percent.
- Companies had expected to add 11.3 percent to their annual revenues by digitizing functions yet achieved only an extra 6 percent on average.
- Sixty-four percent aren’t seeing digital investments boosting their revenue growth at all.
“When business functions operate in silos while planning or executing digital projects, it stifles innovation and can cause a company to miss opportunities for growth and greater performance,” said Rachael Bartels, senior managing director and global lead for Function Networks and Programs at Accenture. “Leaders across industries are realizing that even without the added challenges of a global crisis, no company can afford a lack of collaboration within their enterprise or between their business functions.”
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