Glassdoor Launches Community Features to Drive Candid Workplace Conversations

New mobile app and web experience will empower millions of professionals to get ahead in their careers through real-time conversations and communities 

Glassdoor, the worldwide leader on insights about jobs and companies unveiled new community features that enable users to connect authentically and anonymously with professionals at their company, industry, and beyond, available on mobile and web.

These new features come at a time when over two thirds of U.S. employees (68%) would like a way to ask their coworkers and company leaders questions anonymously at work.

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  • Users can have candid conversations in real-time with online communities to ask questions, get answers, network and confidentially share their professional and personal perspectives in a supportive space.
  • Users can join conversations in hundreds of ‘bowls’ on a wide range of topics, from Industry Bowls like Finance to Interest and Identity Bowls like ‘Working Moms’ or ‘Black in Tech’ to private Company Bowls where users can engage with coworkers and leaders at their company.
  • When conversing, users have the option to be fully anonymous or reveal elements of their identity like company name or job title.
  • To usher in this new era and evolved product experience, Glassdoor is also revealing a new logo and brand identity that emphasizes the connections made throughout careers.

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“Workplace culture is rapidly changing, and we’re seeing new needs and desires emerge from job seekers, employees and employers. This includes more transparent communication and connection with colleagues and the ability to have anonymous or open conversations on a wide range of topics that cover work and life,” said Christian Sutherland-Wong, Glassdoor Chief Executive Officer. “This next evolution of Glassdoor will fundamentally change the way professionals ask questions and get answers, share knowledge and opinions, and build community with one another. By expanding our core offering of reviews and ratings to include engaging real-time conversations, Glassdoor can unlock even deeper insights for companies that help them express their employer brand and make more informed decisions for their employee experience.”

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