Media Partners Updates 2021 eLearning Course Dedicated to Improving DEIB

Enhanced Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Training strengthens #1 selling product

Media Partners Corporation, a leading people skills and compliance training content producer, has released an updated version of its best-selling respectful workplace program, How Was Your Day? Getting Real About Bias, Diversity and Inclusion, Harassment and Bullying. The 2021 eLearning course features Employee and Manager versions, updated statistics, an enhanced learner experience, and expanded modules on unconscious bias, and diversity, equity and inclusion. Known for its powerful cinematic storytelling, non-threatening approach and easy-to-apply instruction, these pertinent updates broach difficult conversations, creating impactful behavior change.

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“As the ongoing tragic events underscore the continued racial inequities in the U.S, organizations are increasingly looking to address diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) in meaningful ways,” said John Hansen, CEO of Media Partners. “We share this commitment to change and have updated How Was Your Day? with content that provides added tools for sparking discussion and building critical awareness in these areas.”

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Since its initial release in 2017, How Was Your Day? has won 9 awards and been used by thousands of organizations to train hundreds of thousands of learners. This 2021 update adds a manager-specific course, as well as coverage on the connection between unconscious bias and discrimination, how “microaggressions” can lead to harassment and discrimination, and steps for overcoming biases. Understanding and modernizing this discourse is crucial for creating a culture of respect.

“The topics of bias, diversity, equity and inclusion can be tough to navigate,” said Mike Masters, CRO of Media Partners. “Through this How Was Your Day? update and our recently added client services—including virtual instructor-led training—we are working to make sure these organizations achieve the culture change they seek.”

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