Intenseye’s Latest AI-Powered Innovations Set New Benchmark for Workplace Safety Management at Scale

Company augments comprehensive platform with real-time visibility into proactive safety performance metrics for all facilities across an enterprise’s entire global footprint

Intenseye, the leader in AI-powered workplace safety software, has introduced product enhancements that further empower safety and operations leaders to proactively measure safety performance, optimize resource allocation, and prevent incidents at scale. The company’s new Leading Indicators module, featuring a first-of-its-kind Global View, provides real-time visibility into actionable safety metrics across facilities enterprise-wide. The offering reaffirms Intenseye as the definitive partner for enterprises seeking to launch, accelerate, or lead their journey to environmental health and safety (EHS) maturity globally.

Tackling Pervasive Challenges in Safety Management

These latest enhancements to the Intenseye Platform tackle a key gap facing EHS and operations teams, particularly at large enterprises: the lack of an accessible, unified, and proactive metric for measuring safety performance at all sites and levels of the organization. Findings from the Global EHS Maturity report by EY reinforce this issue, noting that only 43% of mature EHS functions report safety performance company-wide – and that no single metric is uniformly used. This inconsistency can obscure true safety performance and broader operational risk exposure, thereby limiting the efficacy and efficiency of efforts to identify, prioritize, and deploy resources to mitigate hazards and ultimately prevent incidents.

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Intenseye addresses these challenges with its new Leading Indicators module, which includes:

  • Safety Score: This proactive, quantifiable metric delivers a clear snapshot of safety performance per facility. Unlike traditional metrics such as TRIR and LTIR – which rely on lagging indicators and thus offer insights only after incidents occur – the Safety Score is derived from real-time leading indicator data reflecting the up-to-the-second state of safety compliance and risk exposure before (and regardless of whether) incidents occur.
  • Safety Scorecard: This dynamic report centralizes and visualizes Safety Scores per hazard type and location within each facility to reveal which hazards at which locations are truly critical and thus require immediate attention. As a result, EHS and operational teams are better equipped to conduct localized analyses, pinpoint underperforming safety protocols, and prioritize interventions where they are needed most.
  • Global View: This executive-oriented dashboard builds on the foundation provided by the Safety Score and Scorecard, integrating scores from all facilities into a cohesive, bird’s eye view. The dashboard empowers corporate leaders to monitor global safety performance in real-time via a comprehensive overview of safety metrics across the company’s entire operational footprint. It also supports strategic resource allocation by directing efforts towards facilities based on their risk exposure, thereby enhancing overall safety standards, compliance, and risk posture.

Further Enhancing the Intenseye Platform

The Leading Indicators module is the latest in a series of recent additions to Intenseye’s AI-powered workplace safety platform, which combines a comprehensive EHS workflow suite with real-time detection of unsafe acts and conditions ranging from PPE violations, to ergonomic risk factors, to slip, trip, and fall hazards. Other recent additions include:

  • Mobile App: This extends Intenseye’s capabilities to mobile devices, ensuring users can receive real-time notifications and manage safety operations from anywhere. This accessibility is crucial for reducing risks and maintaining continuous safety oversight.
  • Expanded Integration Ecosystem: Seamless integrations with messaging apps like Slack and Microsoft Teams, as well as BI tools such as PowerBI and Tableau, enhance data exchange, optimizing response efforts and enabling connected safety workflows.
  • Data Transformer: This automates the consolidation of fragmented safety data, thereby reducing manual entry errors, improving reporting accuracy, and optimizing decision-making and compliance processes.

As with the entirety of the Intenseye Platform, all recent enhancements (including, most notably, the Leading Indicators module) are undeniably enterprise-ready. From flexible cloud and hybrid deployment options to seamless integration with facilities’ existing cameras and drag-and-drop setup, to GDPR-compliant data privacy and SOC2 certification – the platform is now even more compatible with the distinct safety, operational, and compliance needs of global enterprises.

“This latest iteration of our platform underscores our dedication to transforming safety in areas that have long been underserved by innovation,” said Sercan Esen, CEO of Intenseye. “The Leading Indicators module addresses an urgent need for real-time safety metrics that scale across even the largest, most geographically dispersed organizations. By integrating Safety Scores from all facilities into one dashboard, the module’s Global View delivers unparalleled oversight and strategic insight that helps decision-makers prioritize resources and take proactive steps to mitigate hazards before they lead to incidents. Our goal is to empower organizations with the tools they need to create safer, more productive workplaces – and I couldn’t be prouder of our team or more grateful to our customers for making this possible.”

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