Offers Video Resumes to 100,000 Unemployed People Video transforms hiring with a mobile-friendly video solution Group, Inc., a leading AI-powered hiring platform with the world’s largest network of recruiters, unveiled a new program to help 100,000 unemployed people get back to work.
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“The pandemic has accelerated the use of technology in the hiring process for businesses of all sizes,” said Evan Sohn, Chairman, and CEO of “Businesses have turned to platforms like Zoom and Skype to substitute for in-person meetings and live interviews. But changes in hiring practices are still leaving many capable workers behind. It’s now time for new video platforms to be introduced earlier in the hiring process to better address the entire workforce.”
“I often ask our team, who aren’t we servicing well? The answer is, what I call, the ‘unresumed,'” said Sohn. “Unresumed represents people who don’t have a resume, let alone a recruiter or a LinkedIn profile, to support them in getting back to work. To level the playing field, we are offering 100,000 free candidate videos for ‘unresumed’ people. This is an excellent opportunity to show how a simple video can help everyone participate in the recovery of the American economy.”
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While there has been some robust recovery since unemployment spiked to 14.7 percent in April 2020, not every worker has been able to share equally in that recovery. Workers with less education have been largely underrepresented in job gains. When unemployment rates are broken down by education levels, it becomes clear that highly educated professionals, who hold highly-skilled roles, are doing much better than the rest of the workforce:
- Bachelor’s degree or higher: 4.2 percent
- Some college/associate’s degree: 6.5 percent
- High school diploma: 8.1 percent
- Less than high school: 9.8 percent
(Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, October 2020)
In the wake of COVID-19, hiring processes have largely moved online. Highly educated, highly paid workers are nearly twice as likely as less formally educated workers to have access to high-speed internet and the technological tools that allow them to participate in virtual hiring and remote work. If this digital divide isn’t bridged, hundreds of thousands of American workers could be left behind.’s candidate videos are two-minute, TikTok-like snapshots that showcase who a candidate is, their qualifications, and their desired employment. will sponsor 100,000 candidate video resumes and provide its video platform and curation services to employer partners that wish to hire from within this pool of talented candidates. Added Sohn. “We invite employers and organizations serving this community to join us, as together, we can make a real difference for a lot of people. The time is now for everyone who wants a job to get recruited.”
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