HR Tech Group Debuts the ‘D&I Resource HUB’, A Free Online Diversity & Inclusion Tool for Businesses
Resources to support the attraction, retention and advancement of under-represented groups in B.C.’s tech industry
HR Tech Group is proud to announce the launch of the D&I Resource HUB, a free online resource for Canada’s technology industry that provides access to more than 300 best-in-class Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) resources and tools. A 2017 research report by HR Tech Group, Diversity & Inclusion in the BC Tech Sector, found that Indigenous peoples account for less than 1% of the industry’s workforce – this is one example of the imbalance that the D&I Resource HUB will help companies address. The HUB, which was developed as a key pillar in the Government of British Columbia’s Diversity and Inclusion Tech Project, has been in development since 2019, and builds on eight years of sector stakeholder engagement, labour market information projects & strategy development.
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“The Resource Hub is a great way for employers to access tools and information to help build a culture of inclusiveness and find ways for underrepresented groups to succeed in the tech sector.”
“It is great to see the tech sector take positive steps to address diversity and inclusion in their workforce,” said Melanie Mark, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. “With Indigenous people accounting for less than one per cent of workers in tech, the resources and tools being made available through this new Diversity Hub are needed more than ever to move the dial in the right direction. As one of the most dynamic and flourishing industries in B.C., the tech sector can only get better with more diverse people and perspectives at the table.”
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The D&I Tech Project aims to increase the attraction, retention and advancement of women, Indigenous peoples, people of colour, people with disabilities, newcomers to Canada, and individuals who identify as LGBTQ/2S, in addition to all underrepresented groups, in skilled occupations in B.C.’s technology sector.
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