20,000 Courses in 10 Days: New Solution Automates Course Migration

Thanks to a unique solution built by K16 Solutions Inc., Mohawk College completed its learning management system transition in record time.

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The college worked with K16 to migrate 20,000 courses from D2L’s Brightspace learning management system (LMS) to Instructure’s Canvas LMS. The K16 team used its Scaffold Migration solution to accomplish the work in just ten days.

“We are proud of our successful collaboration with K16 Solutions to develop an effective migration tool to complete a massive and complex transfer of course instruction material,” says Cebert AdamsonMohawk College Dean of Continuing Education, Academic Quality and the Centre for Teaching & Learning. “Working together, we were able to provide the necessary time and resources for our faculty and staff to quickly shift to a new delivery model during a challenging time.”

Scaffold Migration automates and accelerates course content migration through:

  • Simultaneous import/export of hundreds of courses
  • Simplified Quality Assurance for quick identification of exceptions
  • Automated content transformation to reduce or eliminate manual post-migration cleanup

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Gordon Freedman, an education industry expert, believes that higher education desperately needs an ed tech re-boot. “COVID-19, going online universally, and re-building the U.S. economy requires next-generation learning and training solutions that move fluidly between traditional vendor products and services in order to strengthen the fundamental relationship between institutions and students. Disruptive solutions like Scaffold Migration can start the next wave of ed tech value creation.”

Following the collaboration between K16 and Mohawk College, K16’s Scaffold Migration platform added D2L to its list of LMS platform integrations, including Canvas, Blackboard, Blackboard Ultra, Sakai, and Moodle.

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