Cognitive Corp and Collaborative Work Environment Partner

Cognitive Corp and Collaborative Work Environment Partner

Joint offering to help large enterprises optimize Net Zero Initiatives   

Collaborative Work Environment (CWE) and Cognitive announced a research and execution collaboration. The companies will collaborate and jointly develop optimized approaches toward carbon reduction for the built environment.

“Together, we are developing and implementing innovations to extract performance data, which revolutionizes our client’s reduction of carbon emissions,” said James C. Waddell Managing Director of Cognitive Corp. “Our method goes far beyond ESG reporting, we are changing the ESG approach entirely. It’s no longer about reporting “where you are” but rather about showing how effective your strategies are over time.”

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“Now more than ever, organizations are navigating the challenges of utility management, remote and hybrid workforces, escalating energy costs and a quickly evolving technology landscape,” said Billy Waldrop, COO of CWE. “We aim to become the needed advisor to help our customers navigate the complexities of attaining Net Zero. Cognitive’s success in the market is encouraging, and we look to leverage their use-cases and research in our customer base.”

Over 450 companies have already agreed to fund the transition to net-zero emissions by 2050.

Net zero buildings have been gaining popularity for some time, but if the globe continues to suffer from the effects of climate change, the number of real estate businesses embracing the net zero strategies may increase.

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Buildings and construction account for over 40% of yearly worldwide CO2 emissions. In the future, the design of these buildings/offices will play a significant role in lowering carbon emissions; businesses will use sustainable materials and suppliers to attain net zero emissions.

“I see proven value creation for our shared customers and the industry at large,” said James C. Waddell, “This partnership strengthens our Cognitive Building solutions and allows us to make yet another positive step toward crafting unparalleled value creation for the built environment.”

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cognitiveESG reportinghybrid workforcesRemotework environment
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