New Recruiting Software Transforms the Hiring Process

Bespoke software development company Vaporware has partnered with a talent acquisition firm to develop Scoutr, a web app for ranking and presenting best-matched candidates to hiring teams. Since its release in August, 2018, Scoutr clients are already experiencing 50% reduction in time to hire, with same-day interviews in many cases.

Vaporware’s unique approach to software development played a large role in the app’s success. Through its lean development process, Vaporware helps clients refine product focus while minimizing up-front costs. It starts with rapid deployment of an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) to test market fit. The Scoutr MVP was ready within two months, and was immediately followed by use with actual clients. Feedback was incorporated into the next iteration. Additional features are currently underway, based on requests from Scoutr customers.

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Key aspects of the Scoutr app include:

  • Algorithmic approach to the candidate match process, resulting in easier manager review and a targeted interview base among a select set of applicants. Data inputs were designed by Scoutr, while Vaporware implemented the algorithm.
  • Access from anywhere. The responsive web-based app includes portals for hiring managers (largely on mobile devices) and HR teams (primarily on desktop).
  • Multi-client SaaS. More than an in-house app for a recruiting company, Scoutr is a sellable Software as a Service, enabling expansion beyond their recruiting line of business. Intellectual property in a sellable software package helps Scoutr diversify their income.
  • Simple, intuitive user interface
  • Scalable to accommodate a growing feature set and customer base

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Speaking to the scalability of the software, Scoutr CEO & Founder Brandon Stevens said: “With Vaporware, our long term vision was accounted for early on. The way Scoutr was designed and built reflects who we want to be in three or five years. We have the infrastructure and foundation to make iterations and changes based on where we want to go.”

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Brandon StevensHR Technology NewsNEWSScoutrVaporware
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