Employee Qualities That Matter in Top Tier Workplaces

As we navigate 2024, the focus on productivity has never been more paramount. By fostering and developing key qualities in employees, organisations can enhance efficiency and drive success. Here, we explore the essential traits of what makes for a well groomed and all round employee, supported by recent industry trends, statistics, and insights from industry leaders.


Accountability is the cornerstone of reliability in any organisation. Employees who take responsibility for their actions and outcomes contribute significantly to team trust and organisational integrity. “Accountability ensures that employees feel ownership over their work, which naturally drives higher engagement and productivity,” says Mark Lobosco, VP of Talent Solutions at LinkedIn. This quality fosters trust and dependability within teams, which is essential for maintaining high performance.

Solution-Oriented Mindset

A solution-oriented mindset is invaluable in today’s fast-paced work environment. Employees who focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems contribute to a proactive and innovative culture. “AI is transforming how we approach problem-solving, allowing employees to focus on creative and strategic aspects of their roles,” notes Josh Bersin, global industry analyst. Generative AI has been shown to boost productivity by 37% and improve the quality of work by 20%​ (AIHR)​. Such advancements highlight the need for employees who can adapt and effectively use new technologies to solve complex problems.

Catch more HRTech Insights: HRTech Interview with Keith Bigelow, Chief Product Officer, Visier

Team-Oriented Approach

Prioritising the success of the team over individual achievements fosters a collaborative environment. Team-oriented employees are willing to support their colleagues and work towards shared goals, which is essential for organisational cohesion. “The shift from working in silos to a more collaborative approach is transforming HR operations and enhancing productivity,” explains Suvarna Kartha, Recruiter at SAP​ (mettl)​. This change underscores the importance of teamwork in achieving holistic and effective solutions.


Open-mindedness allows employees to embrace new ideas and perspectives, which is crucial in a rapidly changing work environment. Being open to change and innovation enables employees to adapt and grow alongside the organisation. “Embracing new technologies and diverse perspectives is key to driving innovation and staying competitive,” says Dion Hinchcliffe, VP and Principal Analyst at Constellation Research. This trait is particularly important as the integration of AI and other technologies continues to reshape the workplace​ (mettl)​.


High integrity ensures that employees act ethically and uphold the company’s values. This builds a strong foundation of trust and respect within the organisation. Integrity is not just about honesty but also about consistency and fairness in all actions. “Organisations with a strong ethical foundation see better employee retention and higher morale,” states Mary Slaughter, HR Executive at North Highland. Such environments also enhance overall organisational health and longevity.

Active Listening

Listening before speaking is a powerful trait that enhances communication and collaboration. Active listening ensures that employees fully understand issues before responding, reducing misunderstandings and fostering more effective teamwork. “Active listening is crucial for effective leadership and team dynamics,” emphasises Daniel Goleman, author of “Emotional Intelligence.” This skill is critical in an environment where feedback and continuous improvement are key to success.

Radical Candour in Communication

Radical candour, which involves providing honest feedback while maintaining respect, helps improve performance and strengthens team dynamics. This communication style is essential for fostering a culture of transparency and trust, where employees feel valued and understood. “Radical candour can transform workplace culture by promoting open and honest communication,” asserts Kim Scott, author of “Radical Candour.” This approach encourages direct yet respectful exchanges that can lead to significant improvements in workplace relationships and productivity.


Demonstrating humility allows employees to recognize their limitations and be open to learning from others. This trait encourages continuous personal and professional growth, which is vital in a landscape where skills and knowledge are constantly evolving. With 44% of workers’ skills expected to be disrupted in the next five years​ (ExtensisHR)​, humility and the willingness to upskill are more important than ever. “Humility in leadership and teamwork fosters an environment of continuous learning and growth,” says Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft.

Love for Upskilling

Continuous learning and skill development are critical in maintaining a competitive edge. Employees who are eager to upskill can keep pace with industry changes and contribute more effectively. In 2024, organisations are increasingly prioritising professional development, with 80% of U.S. employees considering it a crucial factor when evaluating job opportunities​ (ExtensisHR)​. “Investing in employee upskilling is not just beneficial, but essential for business growth,” states Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., President and CEO of SHRM. This focus on upskilling ensures that the workforce remains agile and capable of meeting new challenges.

Getting Things Done

The ability to execute tasks efficiently and deliver results is perhaps the most tangible quality of a good employee. Employees who can “get shit done” are invaluable assets, driving productivity and ensuring that goals are met. This trait encompasses a range of skills, from time management to problem-solving, and is fundamental to organisational success. “Execution is everything. Without it, even the best strategies fail,” remarks Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon. The emphasis on execution ensures that strategic plans are translated into actionable outcomes, driving organisational success.

Cultivating these qualities in employees can significantly enhance productivity and organisational success in 2024. By focusing on accountability, a solution-oriented mindset, team collaboration, open-mindedness, integrity, active listening, radical candour, humility, upskilling, and execution, organisations can build a robust and dynamic workforce ready to tackle future challenges. Embracing these traits will not only improve individual performance but also contribute to a more cohesive, innovative, and productive work environment.

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[To share your insights with us, please write to psen@itechseries.com ]

accountabilityActive ListeningEmployeesGetting Things DoneGood EmployeeHR ProfessionalsHumilityintegrityLove for UpskillingOpen-MindednessorganisationsRadical Candour in CommunicationSolution-Oriented MindsetTeam-Oriented ApproachWorkplace