A Week in HR Tech – TecHR Round-up for 24th February 2020 – Featuring Betterworks, Indeed, Instant Teams, and More

The last week in HRTech witnessed  Betterworks acquiring Hyphen, and ChartHop the first organizational management firm raising seed funding to the tune of $5M. Grab more such important news from the week that went by, in addition to expert commentary and interviews from some of the best in the field of HR-tech.



By 2021, 82% of the internet traffic will be video, which means that if employees are already accustomed to using video on a regular basis, it only makes sense to integrate it into the workplace.

-Carrie Walecka, Vice President of Global Talent Acquisition, Brightcove



World’s First Organizational Management Platform ChartHop Raised $5M in Seed Funding

ManTech Launched “Career Enablement” to Accelerate Employee Advancement

Continuous Performance Management Platform Betterworks Acquired Leading Continuous Employee Listening and Engagement Platform, Hyphen

Indeed Announced Indeed Hiring Events to Expedite Hiring Process

Remote Workforce Supplier and Management Platform Instant Teams Announces $1.5M Raise to Scale Remote Work Platform



Can you summarize how enterprise mobility software and tools improve team productivity?

“With the increasing familiarity of smartphones, everything has moved to the mobile. Enterprise mobility is not an option anymore, it’s a necessity. Mobile apps offer benefits that are way beyond what web browsers can offer. For example, an intuitive app interface is preferred over navigating through multiple windows and mouse clicks. With internal mobile apps, CRM access, project management, contract management, and employee collaboration are in real-time 24/7 and productivity is increased immediately. ”

Grab more excerpts from TecHR Interview with Jinen Dedhia, Co-founder and MD of DronaHQ

What are some of the biggest HR challenges you face currently in the tech marketplace?

“The biggest challenge is and always was to find talent. Especially developers with experience in new or fast-evolving technologies such as NoSQL Data Bases, FaaS functions. But today it’s not about selling them a particular role in your company, it’s about understanding their motivation and determining if they’d fit together.”

Read the complete interview: TecHR Interview with Kate Kharchenko, Head of HR at Ajustee





More Than Half Of Workers Negotiated Pay With Last Job Offer – Robert Half Survey

Gig Economy Ballooned by Six Million Over Last Decade

Three-Dimensional Diversity is Key to Winning Top Gen Z Talent – Alexander Mann



10 HR Tech Tools that Can Help you Boost your Talent Acquisition Process

According to the State of Talent Acquisition 2019 report, 74 percent of respondents see talent acquisition as a challenge faced by HR and business leaders today. This is why Recruitment Marketing and Employer Branding have become tangible initiatives that are assigned budgets in 2020. In order to source top resources to your organization, consider these ten tools that improve the efficiency of the hiring process and make it a little less of a challenge.




Not wrong, logically!



















  • IrisGuard UK Ltd, a world-leading Iris-based financial payment platform, announced the deployment of its revolutionary EyePay® Cash mobile platform enabling refugees in Egypt to receive their financial aid assistance via iris identification. Read the complete story here.
  • Amazon beat Currys and Argos to gain the biggest share of Google’s page one searches for consumer electronics. Read more findings from the Searchmetrics study.

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AjusteeAlexander MannBetterworksChartHopDronaHQIndeedInstant TeamsManTechNEWSRober HalfTalent AcquisitionTecHR Round-upWeekly highlightWeekly HR news
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