National University (NU) has launched an innovative and exciting partnership with Sabio Enterprises, Inc. to form a coding bootcamp. This venture will enable career-minded individuals to secure both a world-class technical education and earn up to 13.5 credits at National University toward a bachelor’s degree in information technology management or information systems.
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The Sabio-National partnership will focus on a full stack web development technical training program frequently used in close to 1 million information technology jobs available in the U.S. today (1). Students nationwide will be able to remotely attend both Sabio’s technical training program and courses at National University, which offers relevant degree programs in engineering and computing.
The Sabio-National University Coding Bootcamp professional development program is designed for those looking to make a career change into the tech sector as software engineers. Prospective students will have two different part-time program options, as well as a traditional full-time, 13-week program, both geared toward enabling graduates to compete for software engineering roles.
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Former TMZ Software Engineer Gregorio Rojas and Liliana Aide Monge, co-founders of Sabio Coding Bootcamp, are excited to collaborate with nonprofit National University, which offers more than 75 programs in a flexible online format to serve the country’s growing population of adult learners.
Sabio’s Full Stack Web Development Training Program is designed to create well-trained tech professionals for jobs in today’s ever-expanding technology companies. Some of their successful alumni include employees at Microsoft, Google, USC, and Kaiser Permanente. At Sabio, fellows learn the latest technology such as ReactJS, C-sharp, .NetCore, and SQL Server. Training career-minded individuals in the latest and greatest technologies allows Sabio fellows to secure full-time coding employment with an 80% job-placement rate and an average annual starting salary of $72,500.
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