Tutors International Starts Recruitment Process for Part-Time, London-Based Tutoring Job in Business Management

  • Elite Private Tutoring Company, Tutors International, Announces Their Latest Tutoring Job Vacancy: A Part-Time Role Based in London for an Undergraduate Student Studying Business Management.
  • A New Part-Time Private Tutoring Vacancy

Tutors International is a prestigious private tutoring company, specialising in finding the world’s best tutors for a clientele of high net-worth families.

It is the only private tutoring company in the world which offers to conduct a completely tailored global search for each Client enquiry, guaranteeing to find a tutor who can meet their exact educational needs.

Tutors International has just launched the custom recruitment process for their latest tutoring job (ref. LON 0322 H). They are looking for a capable and caring tutor to support a 19-year-old girl in London, currently an undergraduate in the first year of a three-year degree in Business Management. The role starts as soon as a suitable candidate can be found. The position will last until the end of this summer term.

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The Student

One of the key benefits of high-quality private tuition is that the education provided can be personalised and tailored to the learner. Initially, Tutors International will meet with their Client to gain an in-depth understanding of their unique requirements: their strengths, their talents and to discover what challenges they might currently be facing.

The student in question for the LON 0322 H tutoring position is from Saudi Arabia and attends a prestigious London University. She is intelligent, hardworking, and committed to her studies. She is polite, and she both strives for, and values, academic excellence. She has near fluent oral and reading English, but her academic writing skills are less well developed.

The student completed a foundation year course in Business Management, but due to the pandemic, most of her classes have been online and she has had very little opportunity to ask questions and clarify queries. She has therefore found several aspects of the course very difficult.

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She responds best to teachers who are careful, patient and calm and who explain concepts in a straightforward and clear way.

Tutors for Educational Success

Tutors International receives hundreds of CVs and resumés from applicants for private tutor positions. However, its rigorous recruitment process means that only those who meet each criterion on the job specification are shortlisted. Tutors International identifies the most important values, desires and attitudes of the Client in order to ensure that both Client and tutor are compatible. References for every tutor being considered are then checked. The remaining tutors who pass every quality check are then interviewed in person. The two best candidates are put forward to the Client and the final decision is made by them.

The Ideal Candidate

The Tutor will work with the student supporting her after classes, in those areas that she feels she needs the most help. This semester she will be taking the following modules:

  • Management Accounting
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Business Ethics and Sustainability 2
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Work in Contemporary Society
  • Evolution of Modern Business

The advertised role is for 10 hours per week until the end of the summer term. The Tutor will need to arrange with the student weekly in advance when the tutorial sessions will be and will need to be as flexible as possible in case there is the need to make last minute changes. As far as possible though, the student will try to keep to the times that have been arranged.

It is expected that the successful applicant for this role will have an MBA from a renowned institution and first language English (or complete fluency) as minimum qualifications.

The student has exams in May and the Tutor will be involved not only in helping her understand and complete her coursework, but also with her preparation for exams in the above modules. In this scenario it is expected that the Tutor will be responsible for identifying weaknesses in her subject knowledge that may benefit from more intense subject coaching, and for reporting this to the Company and Client.

The ideal applicant will be available to start as soon as possible and must have excellent subject knowledge and communication skills. The Tutor must be a fit and healthy non-smoker.

Business ManagementCommunication Skillsjob vacancyrecruitment processTutors International
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