PayrollOrg Launches, Merging American Payroll Association and Global Payroll Management Institute

PayrollOrg Launches, Merging American Payroll Association and Global Payroll Management Institute

payroll education, publications, and training, the American Payroll Association and the Global Payroll Management Institute are combining to become PayrollOrg The Leader in Payroll Education.

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“We are evolving our brand to better represent our borderless community of payroll leaders from around the world,” said Dan Maddux, executive director of PayrollOrg. “PayrollOrg will unite our industry leading education, publications, and certifications under one organization while further connecting payroll professionals from around the world.”

Globalization has always been part of the fabric of the American Payroll Association (APA). Since its inception in 1981, the organization has provided education and certifications for payroll professionals outside the U.S. In 2015, the APA founded the Global Payroll Management Institute (GPMI) to further service customers and engagements globally, while also satisfying the growing needs of multinational and international customers.

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Combining APA and GPMI, PayrollOrg will provide education, publications, and resources for payroll professionals throughout the world. PayrollOrg’s singular vision is to empower all payroll professionals and connect the payroll community across the globe, so that they may become successful leaders and strategic partners within their organizations.

“In an ever-shrinking and interconnected world, the challenge of keeping employees paid and companies compliant has shifted the role of payroll from the skilled to the highly skilled,” said Dan Maddux. “PayrollOrg will help grow and support payroll professionals to meet that challenge.”

PayrollOrg (PAYO) is the industry leader in payroll education, publications, and networking. Each year, PAYO enrolls more than 100,000 participants from more than 100 countries in its training programs, and provides publications, newsletters, and resources to help payroll professionals maintain compliance.

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Educationeducation and certificationsPayroll Associationpayroll communityPayrollOrg