Celebrating Corporate Excellence: Introducing the 1000 Excellence Index, in partnership with Newsweek

Celebrating Corporate Excellence: Introducing the 1000 Excellence Index, in partnership with Newsweek

Celebrating Excellent Companies: Best Practice Institute Partners with Newsweek for the “Excellence 1000 & Best of Best Practices Indices”

In an era when the bottom line often takes precedence, our country’s best corporations commit to excellence across all aspects of business – including social and environmental responsibility, stakeholder engagement, and financial success.

The corporations that are considered the best of the best align their business objectives with ethical standards, they ensure that their business practices reflect a commitment to fairness and social responsibility, and they do the best for all of their stakeholders.

When organizations support such ideas, it is a cause for celebration and recognition. Best Practice Institute is proud to be the driving force behind the Newsweek 1000 Excellence Index that will recognize those companies demonstrating best practices across all pillars of business.

Scheduled to debut online on November 15, 2023, and subsequently in Newsweek’s print edition this winter, the Newsweek 1000 Excellence Index is more than just a compilation of company names. Instead, it’s a testament to those corporations that have seamlessly woven social responsibility, sustainability, ethical considerations, and fair financial practices into the fabric of their operations.

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The Best Practice Institute has analyzed hundreds of thousands of data points and created a proprietary scoring system to measure everything from financial practices to customer reviews, ESG commitments, and more to build the first 1000 Excellence Index. Companies have been assessed on several pivotal criteria, including:

  • Employee Rating: How those employees at the corporation’s heart perceive their employer.
  • Customer Rating: How the corporation’s customers view its products, services, and ethics.
  • ESG Risk Rating & Ethical Impact: A deep dive into a company’s environmental, social, and governance risks, combined with its ethical footprint.
  • ISO Standards Adherence: Compliance with international quality and safety standards.
  • R&D Spending: Investment in innovation and the future.
  • Global Compact Status: Alignment with the UN’s principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
  • BBB Rating & Accreditation (for small companies): Recognizing smaller entities that meet the Better Business Bureau’s standards.
  • Number of Customer Complaints: A transparent look at customer grievances, shedding light on a corporation’s commitment to rectification and improvement.

The Best Practice Institute and Newsweek partnership isn’t just about identifying and praising exemplary corporations. It’s a call to all enterprises, urging them to elevate their standards, prioritize ethical practices, and place stakeholders at the center of their business universe.

“Doing good business means more than just turning a profit. In our fast-paced economy, it can be easy to lose sight of the value of companies that strive to be good for customers, employees, and society at large,” said Nancy Cooper, Global Editor in Chief at Newsweek. “The Newsweek 1000 Excellence Index takes a 360-degree look at companies, assessing what their employees say about the company, how customers view their products, and how well the business is run in terms of safety, sustainability, diversity, and innovation. Our goal: to provide our readers with an informed view of the firms that are living up to the highest standards.”

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[To share your insights with us, please write to  pghosh@itechseries.com ] 

anti-corruptionBusinessbusiness objectivescompany's environmentalCorporate Excellencecorporation's customers viewcountry's best corporationsEmployeesEnvironmentgovernance riskshighest standardsHuman RightslaborNEWSNewsweek 1000 ExcellenceNewsweek 1000 Excellence IndexNewsweek's print editionproprietary scoring systemSocial