New Tutoring Job In Toronto Teaching An Exceptional Student: Tutors International Launches Their Latest Global Recruitment Process

World-renowned residential private tutoring specialists, Tutors International, have announced their latest tutoring job vacancy: a full-time residential position based in Toronto

 Tutors International is a prestigious private tutoring company that specialises in matching the perfect tutor to their clients’ families. They conduct a custom global search for each Client enquiry to ensure that they find not only a world-class tutor, but one that matches the attitudes, values, ideas and specific needs of that family and their child(ren).

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Tutors International has just launched the custom recruitment process for their latest tutoring job (ref. TRT 0621). They are looking for an able, experienced and broadly capable tutor, required for a complex and multi-faceted role with a 16-year-old girl in Toronto, Canada. The role starts as soon as possible. The position will last until the student completes her high school education in May 2023.

The Student

One of the key benefits of high-quality private tuition is that the education provided can be personalised and tailored to the learner. An integral part of delivering that individualised tuition is garnering a thorough understanding of the student: their needs, their preferences, their talents, their challenges.

The student in question for the TRT 0621 job is in 10th grade and is currently being home-schooled while enrolled in National University Virtual High School (NUVHS). She is fluent in English, French and Russian. She is a talented tennis player who trained hard from an early age with the possibility of turning pro but then decided to redirect her focus towards academic study with a view to getting into Brown University in Rhode Island. Due to her having devoted so much time and energy to tennis, she had little to no time left to pursue other passions such as music or her love of animals. Now that she is being home-schooled and has greatly reduced the tennis, there is time to broaden her range of interests while maintaining high academic standards and preparing for Brown.

Academically, she is highly capable, attaining near-perfect grades across all her subjects when in school even though, at times, she was too tired to stay awake in class. So far, with NUVHS, her scores have been almost flawless.

Ensuring a Perfect Match

Tutors International specialise in residential private tuition which requires tutors to live with the families, or off-site but on hand to help in the home during agreed hours. This means the tutor has to be so much more than a good teacher. Their personality has to work with the family and the student. The tutor’s own attitudes, values and ideas should align with the families to a significant degree. Tutors International discern the most important values, desires and attitudes of the family in order to match a tutor with complementary qualities.

A Tutor Who Can Go the Extra Mile

Tutors International’s tailored and global approach to recruitment for high-end tutoring means they’re adept in sourcing educators that can honour and nurture extra-curricular interests as well as offer academic excellence. Part of ensuring this is understanding the student’s personal interests, talents and goals.

Away from school and tennis, the student in focus for the TRT 0621 job is a charming young lady with a warm and friendly demeanour. She is easy to talk to, and her sense of curiosity and interest can be easily engaged by inspiring academic exercises. She is not afraid of debate or discussion and once her interest in a given subject is piqued, she lights up with enthusiasm.

She has a long abiding love of animals, and a particular interest in dogs. She currently has very few interests and needs to be encouraged and motivated into a wide range of new activities with the goal not being limited to the utility of volunteering and leadership that Colleges like to see, but rather to engendering genuine passions and interests that might become lifelong.

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As a child, she was required to play the piano. While this forced practice has put her off the instrument, she still has musical talent and plays the saxophone to a reasonable level. She certainly has an interest in music in most forms and could be a talented musician if she felt motivated to practice more. Indeed, she is one of those rare people who could genuinely be considered a skilled allrounder. She has an interest in learning to play the koto, for which a teacher has been found, and the intention is that she starts when circumstances allow. She is also interested in archery, has her own bow and is intending to pursue this once the pandemic eases. Koto and archery are both new for her and it is expected that these two new interests are just the first of many.

The Ideal Candidate

This role will be a balance of academic tutor, mentor and companion. Years spent focussed on tennis have narrowed the student’s range of interests and one of the key requirements of the role, along with ensuring that all the NUVHS work is done on time and to a good standard before being submitted for grading, is to broaden her horizons, introduce new sports and other activities, and explore tangential lines of enquiry. The Tutor should help nurture and encourage a sense of academic curiosity and should foster a sense of pride in her academic achievements. In order to develop and support her university application strategy, the Tutor should have attended a university of the standing of an Ivy themselves.

The Tutor should themselves be a well-rounded individual who has had experience of many activities (some to a high level). She or he should be interesting and erudite, excited by the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake and forever curious about the world around them. The Tutor should be able to inspire the student to open up and let new activities and passions into her life, whether by encouragement to give something else a go, or by simple propinquity. She or he should be proactive in terms of getting the student work experience or seeking opportunities to volunteer. Given her plans to have a dog, the Tutor should be comfortable with animals and happy to help research her options.

The Tutor should have a stable personal life and be organised in the way they run their household to act as a good role model. The Tutor should be resourceful, unflappable and determined while nonetheless calm and measured.

It would be helpful if the Tutor has excellent French or at least one other language to a high level other than English.

The Process

Tutors International’s tailored service requires a thorough recruitment method. The application process is rigorous and highly customised for every tutoring job. Of the hundreds of CVs and résumés from private tutor applicants, they only shortlist the candidates that meet every single criterion on the job specification and consider only the very best and most qualified of those shortlisted tutors. They then check references for every tutor being considered. The remaining handful of tutors that pass every quality check are then interviewed in person. The two best candidates are then put forward to the Client. The final decision is made by the Client.

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AcademicClientJobsRecruitmentstudentTalentTutorsTutors International
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