New CompTIA Security+ Certification Exam Available Worldwide

Comprehensive suite of Official CompTIA exam preparation resources also released

A new version of CompTIA Security+, the market’s leading professional certification for the validation of core cybersecurity skills, is available from CompTIA, the nonprofit association for the technology industry and workforce.

Accompanying today’s release of the new Security+ exam is a comprehensive suite of Official CompTIA test preparation materials.

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Private sector business and defense organizations alike rely on CompTIA Security+ to build cybersecurity skills among their frontline cyber defenders. More than 590,000 technology professionals around the world are CompTIA Security+ certified.

“Securing systems, networks, software and hardware has become a broadly shared responsibility and baseline cybersecurity skills are expected across a wider range of job roles,” said Patrick Lane, director of product management for CompTIA’s portfolio of cybersecurity certifications. “IT professionals who earn CompTIA Security+ are better prepared to problem solve the wide variety of today’s complex issues.”

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CompTIA Security+ is the only core cybersecurity certification that emphasizes hands-on practical skills. Performance-based questions make up much of the exam. This requires test-takers to demonstrate their ability to perform many of the duties they’ll encounter on the job.

About 80% of the content on the new exam relates to technologies designed to repel the latest cyberattacks, threats and vulnerabilities, as well as current cybersecurity architecture, design and implementation techniques. The remaining 20% covers newer concepts such as automation, continuous security monitoring, incident response and governance, risk and compliance (GRC).

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