Kindred 2020 and the United Nations Announce Collaboration to Engage the Business Community for 75th Anniversary

Kindred and The United Nations will call on business leaders to help the UN define how private sector cooperation will help realize a better world by 2045

 Kindred and the United Nations announced a new collaboration that aligns UN75, the largest, most inclusive conversation on the role of global cooperation in building a better future for all, and Kindred 2020, the most important event for sustainable, purpose-led business transformation.

Intended to engage constituencies across borders, sectors, and generations, the UN is calling on business leaders to take concrete action to realize a better world by 2045, the UN’s 100th birthday. Taking place on May 11-14 at the San Diego Convention Center, Kindred 2020 will respond to this call to action, as business leaders will define asks and ideas that will be presented to world leaders, the UN’s leadership, and the world.

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In calling for participation, UN Secretary-General Antόnio Guterres said: “No country, no community, is able to solve the complex problems of our world alone. We need to come together, not only to talk but to listen. It is absolutely essential that you all join the conversation. We need your opinions, your strategies and your ideas for us to be able to deliver better for the people of the world that we must serve.”

“Business leaders have a unique ability to make more consequential decisions faster than other institutions, and have the potential to make a huge impact on the key issues and Sustainable Development Goals being addressed by the United Nations,” said Ian Schafer, co-founder, and chief executive officer of Kindred. “This partnership not only offers them a platform to share the goals they have as individuals but multiply them by the commitments they can make through their organizations and the companies they partner with.”

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