Kyla Launches Onsite Weekly COVID-19 Testing and App for Companies of All Sizes

New service blends regular onsite testing of employees with a mobile app and employer dashboard to ensure companies are in compliance with COVID-19 guidelines

Kyla announced that its new comprehensive platform for COVID-19 testing of employees is available for companies of all sizes throughout California. Through a suite of technology apps, Kyla offers weekly on-site testing for all employees and daily symptom monitoring of employees’ condition, with doctors reviewing these daily updates and providing telemedicine counseling, evaluation and work clearance via the Kyla Chat tool to closely monitor potential cases. Weekly drive up and onsite testing are also incorporated into the COVID-19 testing procedures for all employees. If an infection does crop up, the outbreak is controlled through contact tracing as well as telemedicine counseling with physicians, which is available 9am to 9pm until employees have a clean bill of health.

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With the nation’s workforce gearing up for a return to working onsite, higher safety standards to ensure the safety of employees, their families, and the public in general are companies’ number-one priority. Kyla’s client roster is expanding daily and includes various companies and educational institutions, including Off the Grid, AP-Tech, Alameda County Community Food Bank, Hydraflow and others. These are companies whose very existence is based upon providing a safe environment for their customers and employees.

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“Weekly COVID-19 testing is vital to managing outbreaks and potential spread of the coronavirus in the workplace,” said Garick Hismatullin, CEO of Kyla. “We bring mobile-testing teams into our clients’ parking lots to ensure the safety of their employees while also making the whole process as convenient as possible.”

Medical experts say infected individuals are contagious within three days after being infected, and it could take up to 12 days to show any symptoms. This underlies the significance of maintaining vigilant testing procedures, according to Hismatullin, since over 25% of people infected don’t show any symptoms.

Kyla’s COVID-19 testing includes the initial testing of all employees as well as weekly testing thereafter. Employees also must submit to a daily, non-invasive symptom check facilitated through the app’s dashboard. Kyla provides CDC recommended molecular tests which are FDA and EUA approved. Infected employees are connected to doctors to receive virtual treatment. Physicians oversee the treatment and recovery of affected patients and sign off on their ability to return to work. Employers have access to all pertinent data through a dedicated Kyla dashboard.

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