Cal-SARA Selects LoBue & Majdalany Association Management

Workers’ compensation insurance fraud fighter, the California Staffing Agency Reform Association (Cal-SARA) has selected LoBue & Majdalany Association Management (L&M) to support its ongoing association management activities.

Founded in October 2020, Cal-SARA was formed to stop the fraud that has resulted from increased demand for a contingent or variable workforce, placing staffing agencies, injured workers and California taxpayers at risk. Cal-SARA provides education, training and legal support for its members, as well as aiding regulators and insurers.

“This new partnership will allow Cal-SARA to focus on building public awareness and influence through partnerships, collaborations and professional initiatives while L&M manages our headquarters and operations base,” says Cal-SARA Executive Director Mark Bertler. “We conducted a competitive RFP process and determined that L&M is best able to meet the needs of our growing association,” he adds.

L&M has a strong reputation for managing the operational needs of associations so their leaders can focus on mission-advancing activities.

“We are excited to support Cal-SARA’s leadership to address the important problems of workers’ compensation fraud in the marketplace. Our relationship is a strong complement as LoBue & Majdalany has extensive experience supporting and guiding start-up trade associations,” said Michael LoBue, CAE founder and CEO of LoBue & Majdalany Association Management.

Cal-SARALoBue & MajdalanyPartnershipSARA provides educationstart-up trade
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