Launch of GoFrameworks Brings Easy Access to Competency Frameworks for Educators and Employers

Align credentials and micro-credentials such as badges with skill and competency frameworks.

Skills gaps continue to be high as in-demand skills across jobs change in the next five years.

World Economic Forum, The Future of Jobs Report 2020
As the nature of work changes and new skills are required for work, educational and training organizations are under increased pressure to align courses and curriculums with the needs of employers. At the same time, businesses need to build new capabilities quickly and to recognise the emergent skills of their employees. The GoFrameworks alignment hub brings together the most important skill and competency frameworks used by educators and employers, along with other important frameworks such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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“Competency frameworks are emerging as a powerful way to understand the skills needed to perform in critical roles needed in the emerging economy,” says Dr. David Porter, a leading expert on how to connect education and training to the needs of the workforce and the former CEO of eCampusOntario. “Being able to align badges and other micro-credentials with these frameworks will help make education and training programs more relevant.”

GoFrameworks has been developed and managed in a partnership between Learning Agents in Winnipeg, Manitoba and Ibbaka Performance of Vancouver, British Columbia. Ibbaka develops and manages the Ibbaka Talent platform, the skill and competency management system that underpins GoFrameworks. Learning Agents manages CanCred, a cloud service that provides micro-credentialing and other Open Badges solutions to employers and educators across Canada. CanCred runs on technology provided by Open Badge Factory.

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For its launch, GoFrameworks is featuring five frameworks: Ontario Essential Employability Skills, Shopify’s Remote Working Skills, Advanced Manufacturing Model, UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Ibbaka Open Competency Model for Design Thinking. Other frameworks will be added in the coming months.

The World Economic Forum has identified skill gaps as a critical risk to economic recovery and growth “Skills gaps continue to be high as in-demand skills across jobs change in the next five years.” Competency frameworks are the map and micro-credentials are the compass to close these gaps.

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Aligncompetency frameworksJobs Report 2020training organizationsWorld Economic Forum
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