TecHR Interview with Vinita Venkatesh, VP of Product Marketing at Mya Systems

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How do AI-powered platforms like Mya Systems enable recruiters to assess candidates in a more holistic manner?

AI-powered platforms can help HR teams through the end-to-end recruiting process by providing resources at scale to efficiently manage the activities that typically overburden them, such as sourcing, screening, and scheduling. Reading a resume is one of the initial steps in the recruiting and screening process, and is often pivotal as it provides HR teams with their first impressions of candidates. When conducted by humans, despite best efforts and years of expertise, unintended bias can color recruiters’ opinions and prevent them from moving to the interview phase and gaining a more complete picture of a candidate.

After all, while reading a resume may provide information regarding experience, credentials and the like, simply reading a resume doesn’t give recruiters a sense of a candidate’s personality, enthusiasm, and other “soft skills”.

Some AI-powered platforms can help assess candidates in a more holistic manner, but not all platforms have the same capabilities.

  • Basic chatbots used in recruiting typically screen candidates by posing multiple choice questions, processing the answer and then following simple decision trees to determine which question(s) will be asked next.
  • More intelligent conversational bots that use advanced AI techniques, including natural language processing and deep recruiting and industry-specific knowledge-bases, are able to interact more naturally with each and every candidate.
  • Sophisticated conversational AI bots have the ability to understand context and intent, allowing them to have open-ended conversations with candidates that go far beyond survey-like multiple choice questions.

This more natural conversational experience lets them glean deeper insight into a candidate.

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For example, conversational bots can follow multiple new threads in a conversation and can recognize ideas outside of context then navigate back to the original topic. With their ability to ask and answer questions, conversational bots give candidates an opportunity to express themselves in their own words and can also provide them with additional information about the position, helping candidates gauge whether or not they are a fit for a job.

How does the development of AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Chatbots remove the human element from traditional Human Resources’ functions?

Recruiting is, at its core, a human centric-process, so recruiters will always play a key role in the process. Technology can help by automating and scaling routine tasks, such as sourcing, scheduling, and screening. In particular, AI can free recruiters from answering the same questions 100 times each day, from sifting through resumes, scheduling interviews, and other repetitive tasks, giving them the time needed to concentrate on areas where the human element really matters, such as relationship-building and negotiating.

While they’ll never replace humans through the entire recruiting process, AI-based tools can play an integral role in conveying an organization’s brand and ensuring a positive candidate experience from the very first impression.

What are some of the essential parameters that HR teams must take into consideration while choosing the “ideal” AI-powered recruitment tools?

When looking for an “ideal” AI-powered recruitment tool, it is important to consider the goals your organization is trying to achieve, where technology can supplement or improve your current processes and what is needed to create widespread adoption by both candidates and recruiters. These tools should serve the operational initiatives, simplify the process for organizations and reduce friction throughout the process; these benefits can be demonstrated through engagement and results.

To ensure smooth adoption, tools should support the technology landscape that organizations have in place while simplifying the overall workflow and not adding additional steps to the process. These tools should also be highly configurable and should seamlessly integrate into the applicant tracking systems (ATS), candidate relationship management systems (CRM), and calendar systems used by the organization.

In addition, they should support technologies that candidates typically use for communications, such as SMS, WhatsApp, and other messaging applications, to ensure rapid adoption from the end-candidates as well. Multi-national and global organizations should also look for AI-powered recruitment tools that support multiple languages.

Organizations interested in conversational AI tools should also bear in mind that not all solutions are made alike — many don’t have the sophistication needed to manage the conversational nuances that occur in live candidate interactions. These interactions are important in gathering deeper candidate insights, providing a complete experience for candidates and allowing applicants to fully express themselves.

Recruiters should look for intelligent assistants with the robust conversational abilities needed to build trust and confidence with candidates and deliver a seamless user experience. That trust, in turn, helps increase candidate engagement, completion rates and conversion throughout the funnel. Conversely, the wrong solution can result in low engagement and even detract from the candidate experience.

Thank you, Vinita! That was fun and hope to see you back on TecHR soon.

Vinita is currently VP of Product Marketing at Mya Systems and brings nearly 15 years of domain, product marketing, product management and product strategy expertise from well-known brands including Workday, Rubrik, and Replicon. Prior to her career in tech, Vinita worked in the financial services industry for several years as structured credit derivatives trader and structurer. Vinita has a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Economics and History from Columbia University, and a Masters in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.

Mya Systems has established itself as a leading conversational AI solutions provider by automating outreach and communications with job candidates throughout the end-to-end recruiting process. Mya, the company’s AI-recruiter, was launched in July 2016 and quickly became the industry leader in addressing inefficiencies in recruiting and improving the experience for job candidates and recruiters. Mya Systems has been recognized by CB Insight’s AI 100, Bersin by Deloitte’s 2017 Disruptions Report, and Kairos Society’s K50, among others. Mya Systems was founded in 2012 and is backed by top-tier venture investors including Emergence Capital and Foundation Capital. Economics and History from Columbia University, and a Masters in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University.

AIapplicant tracking systemscandidate relationship management systemsconversational AICRMmachine learningMya Systemsrecruitment toolsTecHR Interview
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