Survey Reveals 3 in 10 Workers Are Unlikely To Consider Jobs in States With IVF Restrictions

The report provides valuable insights into workers’ attitudes toward legislation prohibiting in vitro fertilization. The survey collected responses from 1,250 employed adults in the United States., the premier resource for professional resume templates and career advice, has published a recent survey report investigating the impact of reproductive care public policies on workers’ employment location preferences. The report also provides valuable insights into workers’ attitudes toward legislation prohibiting in vitro fertilization. The survey collected responses from 1,250 employed adults in the United States.

Based on the survey, among workers who are opposed to highly restrictive abortion policies, 53 percent say they are ‘not very likely’ or ‘not likely at all’ to consider a job offer in a state with such policies. Within this group, 51 percent say there is nothing that would make them more likely to consider a job offer in one of these states. Conversely, 49 percent say that a promotion, higher pay, better benefits, or different responsibilities could incentivize them to reconsider and accept the job offer.

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“Public policies affecting women’s health care are impacting where Americans want to live and work,” says Resume Builder’s Chief Career Advisor Stacie Haller. “Our survey, along with observations from my private practice, highlights a discernible trend: Individuals are increasingly evaluating their employment options based on how well they align with their health care needs.”

Survey findings also reveal that 50 percent of respondents do not support legislation banning IVF. Thirty-two percent express support for such legislation, while 19 percent are uncertain about their stance on the issue. Among respondents, 30 percent report they are unlikely to consider a job offer in a state that has passed legislation effectively banning IVF. Women, particularly those aged 45 to 54, were the most likely group to hold this point of view.

This survey was commissioned by and conducted online by the survey platform Pollfish. It was launched on March 18, 2024, and 1,250 U.S. workers completed the full survey. The survey was census-balanced for each region. Of those surveyed, 25 percent self-identified as conservative, 42 percent as moderate, and 24 percent as liberal.

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