Survey: 43 Percent Of Companies Are Getting Employee Recognition Right

Miami, Washington, D.C., Dallas and Los Angeles have the most managers confident in their organization’s appreciation efforts

Are today’s workers getting the recognition they deserve? About four in 10 senior managers (43 percent) think so, new research from staffing firm OfficeTeam shows. But 58 percent of survey respondents indicated their organization could do a better job of celebrating employees’ successes.

With Administrative Professionals Week approaching, on April 21-27, many support staff may be wondering if they’ll receive special acknowledgement for their contributions. The odds are in their favor: Eight in 10 senior managers said their company coordinates some form of employee recognition during the event, with office celebrations and gifts being the most popular methods.

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Senior managers were asked, “How effective do you think your company is at recognizing employees for good performance?” Their responses:

Very effective


Somewhat effective


Not too effective


Not at all effective



*Responses do not total 100 percent due to rounding.

Senior managers were also asked, “How does your company typically recognize administrative staff during Administrative Professionals Week?” Their responses:*

Organize a celebration or lunch at work


Offer a present (e.g., flowers, gift card)


Praise them during a staff meeting or other public forum


Provide a handwritten thank-you note


Bring in an educational guest speaker


Do not recognize administrative staff


*Multiple responses were permitted.

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Additional findings:

  • Among the 28 US cities in the survey, senior managers in Miami, Washington, D.C., Dallas and Los Angeles think their organizations are doing the best job at recognizing employees. Respondents in Boston, Salt Lake City and Des Moines said their companies are least successful.
  • Midsize firms (500 to 999 employees) are most effective at rewarding staff, according to the research; small firms (20 to 49 employees) have the greatest room for improvement.
  • Companies in Miami, Houston, Austin and Philadelphia are the biggest Administrative Professionals Week celebrators. Those in Boston, Salt Lake City and Seattle organize the fewest activities.

“There’s no such thing as too much employee recognition,” said Stephanie Naznitsky, executive director of OfficeTeam. “Whether it’s a quick high-five in the hallway or a leisurely lunch at a local restaurant, it’s important for managers to show appreciation to the people who make their organizations successful.”

Naznitsky added, “Rewarding top performers is especially important in today’s talent-short market. If employees don’t feel valued at work, there’s a good chance they’ll pursue other opportunities, which can lead to a drop in team productivity and morale.”

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Administrative Professionals Weekemployee recognitionHR Technology NewsNEWS
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