Ryan Named One of the Best Employers in Canada by Aon for Sixth Straight Year

Ryan, a leading global tax services and software provider with offices in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, and London, Ontario, has been named a Platinum employer in the 2019 Aon Best Small & Medium Employers in Canada study.This is the sixth consecutive year Ryan has been named to this list. Companies recognized at the Platinum level scored in the top 25 percent among all employers surveyed across Canada.

“This honor goes to our terrific employees throughout Canada,” said Ryan President of Canadian Operations Garry Round. “To receive this recognition six years in a row speaks clearly to the outstanding contributions our Ryan professionals make daily to our Firm and clients. I sincerely thank them for their ongoing efforts to make Ryan one of the best employers in Canada.”

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The study is based on a 2018 employee survey from more than 200,000 employees across 240 Canadian businesses. Aon focuses on companies that exhibit the habits of an engaging employer. Emphasizing a culture of inclusiveness and collaboration, Ryan has helped employees achieve work-life success while delivering outstanding client service and accomplishing the goals of the Firm.

“Organizations are facing unprecedented disruption, which changes how work gets done quickly and effectively. Having a highly engaged workforce has never been more important,” said Aon Partner and Canada Talent Practice Leader Todd Mathers. “Keeping a business’s workforce engaged is critical to maintaining and improving the end customer experience and organizational performance. Our research consistently demonstrates that engaged employees provide organizations with a competitive advantage when managing through change.”

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What It Takes to Be an Aon Best Employer

The Aon Best Employers in Canada study is the country’s premier benchmark for assessing the quality and performance of Canadian and global workplace excellence using global standards based on 20 years of learnings and best practices from Aon studies conducted all over the world, relying on data collected in more than 180 markets from over 20,000 organizations in 68 industries, including over 241,000 employees and more than 240 companies of all sizes in Canada just in the past year. Recognized organizations have achieved outstanding results among their Canadian counterparts for engaging employees, proving effective leadership, building a performance culture, and leveraging the strength of their employer brand.

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AonBest EmployersCanadaNEWSPlatinum employerRyan
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