Out Leadership Unveils Final 15 State CEO Briefs Empowering Business Leaders To Invest In Equality, Protect LGBT+ Employees

First and largest global LGBT+ business network releases new white papers that help corporate leaders assess the climate for LGBT+ employees for all 50 US States and accelerate the pace of progress

Out Leadership, the premier global network for LGBT+ business leaders and companies, this week unveiled the final wave of US State CEO Business Briefs, based on Out Leadership’s LGBT+ Business Climate Index.

The State CEO Business Briefs assess the economic impact of discrimination on business and equip business leaders and policymakers with a clear sense of the most impactful steps states can take. The goal is to have states make themselves more hospitable to forward-thinking, innovative businesses that become more competitive through inclusion. The latest reports rate ArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutHawaiiLouisianaMississippiMontanaNew YorkNorth DakotaOklahomaOregonRhode IslandVermont and West Virginia.

“Supporting LGBT+ employees is better for a company’s bottom line,” said Out Leadership Founder & CEO Todd Sears. “States that have comprehensive nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people are better for business, plain and simple.”

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The CEO Business Briefs use eye-opening data from Out Leadership’s LGBT+ Business Climate Index, a first-of-its-kind index that measures the impact government policies and prevalent attitudes have on the LGBT+ people residing in each state, quantifying the economic imperatives for inclusion and the costs of discrimination.

Out Leadership’s Global LGBT+ Business Climate Index was launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos 5 years ago. The CEO Business Briefs for the US States are an expansion of the CEO briefs for 24 countries and have been used by hundreds of CEOs globally.

“CEOs must do their part by making sure all employees are protected inside and outside the workplace,” said Sears. “By equipping business leaders with the data they need to make more informed decisions about where to operate, Out Leadership’s CEO Business Briefs will help remind local lawmakers that equality is essential to growing their state’s economy.”

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The LGBT+ Business Climate Index gives each state a score out of 100 points, based on 20 carefully-selected and nuanced markers assessing LGBT+ people’s lived experiences across 5 broader categories:

Legal and Nondiscrimination Protections

  • How difficult is it to change a gender marker on a birth certificate?
  • How difficult is it to change a gender marker on a driver’s license?
  • Does the state have any employment nondiscrimination policies for LGBT+ people?
  • Do any other nondiscrimination policies in the state apply to LGBT+ people?

Youth and Family Support

  • How supportive is the state of LGBT+ people who are in or want to start families?
  • What resources are available to LGBT+ children and youth in the state?
  • Is conversion therapy banned for minors?
  • Can educators discuss LGBT+ issues and identities in schools?

Political & Religious Attitudes

  • Has the governor recently spoken or campaigned against LGBT+ issues?
  • Has the junior Senator recently spoken or campaigned against LGBT+ issues?
  • Has the senior Senator recently spoken or campaigned against LGBT+ issues?
  • To what extent does the state allow for religious exemptions from its laws?

Health Access and Safety

  • Do LGBT+ people, particularly the most vulnerable and economically precarious, have access to health care and insurance?
  • Do state employees receive transgender-inclusive health benefits?
  • Are LGBT+ people protected by any hate crimes laws in the state?
  • Is exposure of others to and transmission of HIV criminalized?

Work Environment and Employment

  • At what rate are transgender people subjected to harassment at work?
  • What percentage of LGBT+ people are unemployed, and how does it compare to the unemployment rate of non-LGBT+ people in the state?
  • What percentage of LGBT+ people experience food insecurity, and how does it compare to the unemployment rate of non-LGBT+ people in the state?
  • What percentage of LGBT+ people have an annual income below $24,000 (approximately the federal poverty line)?

The Index was funded by the Gill Foundation, as part of its support of Out Leadership’s CEO Business Briefs for the 50 U.S. States. It is based on data generously provided by Out Leadership’s partners at the Williams Institute, the United States Transgender Survey, and the Movement Advancement Project.

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