Managers Prevail Despite Operational Challenges of Hybrid Work, New Hibob Survey Reveals

People management platform Hibob finds senior managers collaborate more effectively with HR than individual contributors, signifying a need for synergistic solutions across levels in flexible work environments

HR technology disruptor Hibob releases the findings of a new study  uncovering the strain remote work generates between HR departments and individual contributors. While there is a positive outlook for the HR and senior manager relationship, middle managers and individual contributors aren’t feeling as confident in HR’s ability to manage processes in the new world of work. Findings suggest HR must pinpoint ways to engage with not only upper management, but also middle and junior staff to support greater satisfaction and trust.

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HR Must Prioritize Employees Across Levels

While HR is resonating with those in senior positions, junior and mid-level employees aren’t reaping the same benefits. It’s clear individual contributors feel HR generally isn’t investing enough time in them – whether that’s because of a lack of direct communication, attention, or otherwise – signaling a demand for more direct support. HR teams should be utilizing modern HR technology tools to reach all employees and make a meaningful impact.

  • Seventy-five percent of senior managers found HR to be supportive throughout the pandemic, whereas only 47% and 54% of individual contributors and middle managers felt the same, respectively
  • Nearly half (49%) of senior managers indicated their HR team was receptive to feedback throughout the last year, and only 25% of individual contributors expressed similar sentiments

It’s evident that communication between HR and senior team members is open and direct. By implementing the same communication tactics with individual contributors, all employees will feel the impact of the efforts HR teams are making in creating a positive workplace experience. HR teams can leverage internal surveys and polls to retrieve feedback, cultivate engagement, and initiate responses to their programs.

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Managers Are The Current Change Agents

Managers are currently carrying the load of fostering culture in remote and hybrid workplace models, acting as the middleman between individual contributors and HR teams, as well as leadership. Through their more active role in mentoring junior employees and onboarding new employees, managers are driving the employee experience by ensuring team processes are upheld while also fostering positive cultures through creating a sense of remote camaraderie.

  • Two-thirds of respondents (66%) feel their managers have taken on a more active role in developing culture and protecting wellbeing since the start of the pandemic
  • Almost half of respondents indicated their team lead has been most helpful in transitioning to a remote or hybrid environment as compared to coworkers and HR teams

“These survey findings serve as a reminder there’s still work to be done in communication between HR and all employees within flexible working environments,” says Ronni Zehavi, CEO of Hibob. “As we continue to learn what works and what doesn’t, one thing is overwhelmingly evident Hibob managers and HR must join forces to elevate the employee experience, prioritizing active and timely communication, deployment of HR technology, training programs, culture-building, and access to wellbeing support and resources. Senior managers feel the support of HR teams, and through more open communication and by establishing an active feedback loop, HR teams can also gain the trust of individual contributors.”

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Best Of Both Worlds Is Necessary For Success

The future of work calls for seamless HR and manager collaboration. In order to instill trust within employees across the entire workforce regardless of level, managers and teams must work in tandem to engage in transparent, two way-communication. This is critical to cultivating high levels of engagement, happiness, and ultimately a culture of understanding and credence.

  • Seventy-six percent of senior managers said they were confident that HR could make an informed decision about a workplace re-entry
  • Only half of individual contributors (53%) felt this way. This highlights the need for HR to double down on reaching every employee, working with managers along the way to assess employee satisfaction and ensure adoption of company policy across the organization

“It’s crucial that workers at every point in their career feel informed, supported, and appreciated as businesses evolve in this next phase of the pandemic’s impact on corporate operation and the overall office footprint,” continued Zehavi. “Making this a reality starts and ends with the partnership between HR and managers, which companies should remain hyper-focused on nurturing this year as businesses determine a path forward.”

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HibobHR departmentsHR Technologypeople management platformRemote Work
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