Emtrain, an eLearning and analytics technology company that develops and measures respect and inclusion in the workplace, announced a collaboration with Distinguished Professor of Law Joan Williams and the Center for WorkLife Law at the University of California-San Francisco, a pioneer in workplace equity. Launching today are a series of online lessons to help organizations eliminate workplace bias. The microlessons and downloadable toolkits, are based on Joan Williams’ Bias Interrupters, which have been proven to drive change in the workplace.
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“It’s an honor and privilege to collaborate with Joan Williams and her team at WorkLife Law. Joan is a trailblazer in her work on identifying core biases impacting women and people of color, and building practical tools to combat it. Her TED Talk has over a million views, and through Emtrain technology, we’re able to scale her teachings and bring them directly to millions of employees who need them,” said Emtrain Founder and CEO Janine Yancey.
This is the first-ever collaboration of this kind for Williams and the Center for WorkLife Law, though the organizations have partnered in the past on research projects such as the whitepaper on “A Data-Driven Approach to Winning the War for Talent During the Great Resignation,” released last spring.
“Emtrain’s eLearning platform is of such high quality this partnership is an ideal way for WorkLife Law to begin scaling the impact of Bias Interrupters,” said Williams. “I’m delighted to be partnering with a team that’s truly advancing healthy workplace cultures.”
HR Technology News : HR Technology News : HR Technology Highlights – HR Tech Daily Round-Up For 30th May 2023
The Emtrain Bias Interrupters microlessons each focus on one of the five common patterns of bias that Joan Williams’ work showcases:
- Prove It Again: Groups stereotyped as less competent often have to prove themselves over and over again.
- Tightrope: A narrow range of acceptable workplace behaviors is expected from women and people of color.
- The Maternal Wall: Bias against mothers is the strongest form of gender bias.
- Tug of War: Sometimes bias against the group fuels conflict within the group.
- Racial Stereotypes: People of color encounter specific stereotypes based on their racial identity.
The online microlessons use Emtrain’s renowned workplace videos to role model how employees can interrupt and stop bias in the flow of work. At the same time, the lessons solicit employee sentiment data about the type and amount of bias present in their workplace systems so HR, D&I, and employee relations teams know where to focus their time to eliminate bias throughout an organization.
HR Technology News : HR Technology News : HR Technology Highlights – HR Tech Daily Round-Up For 29th May 2023
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