Navigating the Feedback Terrain: Crafting Thoughtful Reviews for Former Employers

Surveys state that 94% of reviewers expect a brand to answer their questions and respond to their negative posts. 30% of all B2B SaaS marketplaces leverage reviews as social proof to encourage app installs.

But when it comes to employer feedback, what are the healthy practices that current and former employees should ideally follow? Online platforms like Glassdooor are commonly used as go-to platforms for potential employees of a company to read about a company they may be thinking of formally joining. On the other side, there’s also the current employees of every organization who may use platforms such as these to share their feedback and opinions about their workplace. Opinion being a key word here: a point of view. 

While it might be tempting to vent frustrations or settle scores in the review section of a former workplace, such actions can have unforeseen repercussions. When in a corporate set-up, what really helps, is learning to understand core reasons of conflict if any, and using your good sense to maintain corporate relationships no matter what’s going down.

Here’s a short guide that can help you leave reviews for former employers  and current employers, pointers that are not only constructive but also professional.

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“Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t want to.” – Sir Richard Branson

1. Change Your Perspective:

Put yourself in the shoes of your former or current employer. Consider situations from both sides. Reflect on the challenges faced by the company and the decisions they had to make. This empathetic approach can help temper any harsh criticisms and provide a more balanced perspective.

2. Take Your Time:

When faced with a negative experience, take a step back before rushing to leave a review. Allow yourself time to process the situation and gain perspective. Writing a review in the heat of the moment can cloud your judgement and lead to regret later on. Waiting a few days allows you to view the situation objectively and ensures that your feedback is thoughtful and considered.

3. Be Diplomatic:

When writing a review, maintain a diplomatic tone. Avoid inflammatory language or personal attacks on certain people you may have worked with but not got along well with. Remember, professionalism extends beyond the workplace and into online interactions. A well-worded critique is more likely to be taken seriously than a rant filled with negativity.

4. Offer Constructive Criticism:

Criticism is valuable when it leads to improvement. Instead of simply pointing out flaws, offer constructive feedback on how those issues can be addressed. Whether it’s suggesting process improvements or highlighting areas for skill development, aim to contribute to the betterment of the organization.

5. Suggest Improvements:

In addition to identifying problems, provide actionable solutions. Perhaps there were obstacles you encountered during your tenure that you didn’t feel comfortable addressing at the time. Now that you’re no longer with the company, use your experience to propose practical strategies for improvement.

6. Do Not Burn Bridges:

Maintain professionalism even after you’ve moved on from a company. Avoid burning bridges by refraining from personal attacks or overly negative reviews. Keep in mind that industries can be small, and you may cross paths with former colleagues or employers in the future. Preserve your reputation by parting on good terms.

7. Write Original Reviews:

Base your reviews on your own experiences rather than hearsay or rumours about a company or manager. Authenticity lends credibility to your feedback and ensures that your review is a true reflection of your time with the organisation.

8. Avoid Including Non-Public Information or Allegations:

It’s crucial to refrain from including non-public information or unverified allegations in your reviews. Sharing confidential details or making unfounded accusations can not only damage your credibility but also have legal implications. Stick to sharing your personal experiences and avoid disclosing sensitive information that could harm individuals or the organisation.

9. Channelize Your Energy for Better Things:

Rather than dwelling on past grievances, channel your energy into more productive pursuits. Use your experiences, both positive and negative, to inform your career decisions and personal growth. Focus on building a brighter future rather than dwelling on the past.

In conclusion, leaving reviews for former employers is an opportunity to provide valuable feedback and contribute to the growth of organisations. By adopting a constructive and professional approach, you can ensure that your feedback is taken seriously and that you maintain your reputation in the industry. Remember, the way you leave a job can be just as important as how you perform while you’re there.

 “The more seriously you take your growth, the more seriously your people will take you.” – John Maxwell

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B2Bcareer decisionsEmployersfeedbackformer employersorganizationREVIEWSSAASSaaS marketplacesSkill DevelopmentTerrain